Abstract | U ovome završnom radu analizirat će se što je to sindrom izgaranja na radnom mjestu. Analiza se temelji na uzorku zaposlenika bankarskog sektora. Isto tako objasnit će se koji su uzroci, simptomi i moguća rješenja u slučaju nastupa sindroma izgaranja na radnom mjestu. Kao jedan od glavnih ciljeva ovog istraživanja je predstavljanje i prikazivanje trenutnog stanja zaposlenika bankarskog sektora, te njihova efikasnost i radna učinkovitost nakon određenog vremena provedenog na svom radnom mjestu.
Sindrom sagorijevanja je proces kroz koji prolaze zaposlenici na određenom radnom mjestu, te trenutno psiho-fizičko stanje u kojem se nalaze. U taj proces se svrstavaju četiri faze: Faza entuzijazma, faza stagnacije, faza izolacije te faza apatije. (Zadravec, 2020./ pristup: 26.03.2021.)
Taj proces i faze izgaranja koje dolaze sa nastupom sindroma izgaranja jednako su tako jako povezane sa stresom. Saznat ćemo što to uzrokuje stres, koje vrste stresa postoje, koje posljedice ostavlja, kakve učinke stres ima na rad, te na koji način se može obaviti prevencija. U ovom radu provedeno je istraživanje s ciljem dobivanja uvida o jačini i zahvaćenosti zaposlenika sindromom izgaranja na radnom mjestu, u bankarskom sektoru. Razlike u etici koje imaju i po kojem se dijele od ostalih pojedine banke, različita radna mjesta, trajanje zaposlenja te različitosti, prednosti i nedostaci zaposlene populacije u banci.
U istraživanju koje je provedeno putem upitnika, odnosno standardiziranog obrasca za provjeru sindroma izgaranja na radnom mjestu sudjelovalo je ukupno 102 ispitanika iz 4 različite banke. Od kojih je 78 žena, a 24 muškarca. Anketom je utvrđeno kako su zaposlenici u bankarskom sektoru zaposleni na vrijeme duže od 5 godina, iznimka su studenti i osobe na ispomoći.
Rezultati pokazuju da kod 37.3% ispitanika nisu prisutni znakovi sindroma izgaranja, nego da su ispitanici na svome zaposlenju sretni, te da se osjećaju dobro, kod 17.6% ispitanika se počinju pokazivati prvi znakovi sindroma izgaranja, 21.6% ispitanika su dobri kandidati za izgaranje, 19.6% ispitanika su zahvaćeni sindromom, dok je samo 3.9% ispitanika sagorjelo. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju pozitivno stanje zaposlenika u bankarskom sektoru iz razloga jer je samo 3.9% njih sagorjelo u smislu da bi trebali napraviti radikalne promjene. Istraživanjem je provedena analiza zaposlenika radnog mjesta na pravnim osobama i analiza osoba zaposlenih kao bankarski službenik u direktnom odnosu sa klijentom. U ovom slučaju se ispostavilo da je kod ispitanika zaposlenih na pravnim osobama situacija takva da je 37.8% sretno na svome radnom mjestu odnosno nemaju nikakve simptome stresa i izgaranja, 8% njih se počinju
pokazivati prvi znakovi sindroma, 19% njih su dobri kandidati za izgaranje, 22% njih su zahvaćeni sindromom, a 14% ih je sagorjelo. Kod zaposlenika na fizičkim osobama je postotak od 29.4% oni koji su sretni, 35% njih se počinju pokazivati prvi znakovi sindroma izgaranja, njih 24% su dobri kandidati za izgaranje. 12% njih je zahvaćeno sindromom dok je skoro pa niti 1% sagorjelo. U sadržaju rada će se će se dati odgovor na ostala pitanja koja su vezana za uzročnike stresa, nezadovoljstva, mogućih konflikata ili pak pozitivnih faktora kod zaposlenika koji su sretni i zadovoljni svojim radnim mjestom. |
Abstract (english) | This final paper will analyze what workplace burnout syndrome is. The analysis is based on a sample of banking sector employees. Also it will be explained what are the causes, symptoms and possible solutions in case of the occurrence of burnout syndrome in the workplace. One of the main goals of this research is to present and show the current state of employees in the banking sector, and their efficiency and work efficiency after a certain amount of time spent at their workplace.
Burnout syndrome is a process that employees go through in a particular workplace, and the current psycho-physical condition in which they find themselves. There are four phases in this process: the phase of enthusiasm, the phase of stagnation, the phase of isolation and the phase of apathy. (Zadravec, 2020./ pristup: 26.03.2021.)
This process and the stages of burnout that come with the onset of burnout syndrome are equally strongly associated with stress. We will find out what causes stress, what types of stress exist, what consequences it leaves, what effects stress has on work, and how prevention can be done. In this paper, a research was conducted with the aim of gaining insight into the strength and involvement of employees with burnout syndrome in the workplace, in the banking sector. Differences in ethics that individual banks have and according to which they are shared with others, different jobs, duration of employment and differences, advantages and disadvantages of the employed population in the bank.
A total of 102 respondents from 4 different banks participated in the research conducted through a questionnaire, ie a standardized form for checking the burnout syndrome in the workplace. Of which 78 are women and 24 are men. The survey found that employees in the banking sector are employed for more than 5 years, with the exception of students and people on assistance.
The results show that 37.3% of respondents do not have signs of burnout syndrome, but that respondents are happy and feel good at their job, 17.6% of respondents begin to show the first signs of burnout syndrome, 21.6% of respondents are good candidates for burnout, 19.6 % of respondents were affected by the syndrome, while only 3.9% of respondents burned out. The results obtained show a positive situation of employees in the banking sector for the reason that only 3.9% of them burned out in the sense that they should make radical changes. The research conducted an analysis of employees of the workplace on legal entities and an analysis of persons employed as a bank clerk in a direct relationship with the client. In this case, it turned out that the situation with respondents employed by legal entities is such that 37.8% are happy at work or have no symptoms of stress and burnout, 8% of them begin to show the first signs of the syndrome, 19% of them are good candidates for burnout , 22% of them were affected by the syndrome, and 14% were burned. Among employees which are in direct business, the percentage of 29.4% is those who are happy, 35% of them are starting to show the first signs of burnout syndrome, 24% of them are good candidates for burnout. 12% of them were affected by the syndrome, while almost 1% burned. The content of the paper will provide answers to other questions related to the causes of stress, dissatisfaction, possible conflicts or positive factors in employees who are happy and satisfied with their workplace. |