Title Odnosi s javnošću u sportu: studija slučaja NK Osijek
Title (english) Sport public relations: case study Osijek football club
Author Stjepo Roko
Mentor Mato Brautović (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Musladin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Tanta (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mato Brautović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Faculty of Media and Public Relations) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2021-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Public Relations
Abstract Ovaj diplomski rad se bavi specijaliziranim područjem odnosa s javnošću, a to su odnosi s javnošću u sportu. Sport je oduvijek bio jedan od ključnih elemenata ljudskih života, za koji postoji i ogroman medijski interes. S obzirom na specifičnost područja sporta s vremenom su se i odnosi s javnošću u tom sektoru specijalizirali.
U teorijskom dijelu rada su detaljno analizirani pojmovi i ključna područja odnosa s javnošću, poseban naglasak je stavljen na elemente sportskih odnosa s javnošću, ali
... More i njihov suodnos s drugim organizacijskim funkcijama.
U istraživačkom dijelu je rad fokusiran na organizaciju NK Osijek, koji je izabran kao primjer dobre prakse, na temelju kojeg se mogu donositi opći zaključci o odnosima s javnošću u sportu. Predmet istraživanja, dakle, čine aktivnosti sportskih odnosa s javnošću NK Osijek. Postavljena istraživačka pitanja su bila usmjerena na definiranje specifičnosti sportskih odnosa s javnošću, utvrđivanje glavnih ciljnih javnosti i komunikacijskih tehnika koje se koriste u sportskim OJ. Osim odabrane studije slučaja, korištena je i metoda analize sadržaja društvenih mreža i službene web stranice kluba, a kako bi se cjelokupni metodološki postupak zaokružio, proveden je i intervju s voditeljem Odjela za odnose s javnošću NK Osijek.
Postavljena istraživačka pitanja ovog rada su odgovorena, kroz pregled referentne literature, ali i kroz istraživački dio koji se odnosio na aktivnosti NK Osijek. Osim navijača, kao primarne ciljne skupine, su definirani još i mediji, lokalna zajednica, interna javnost, te klupska upravljačka tijela i gospodarski subjekti. Pandemija COVID-19 je intezivirala komunikaciju putem društvenih medija kako bi se donekle kompenzirala nemogućnost dolaska na stadion, a najveća aktivnost je zabilježena na Facebook stranici i Youtube kanalu (NK Osijek TV), iako se klub koristi i drugim komunikacijskim kanalima (Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok).
NK Osijek je dobar primjer sportske organizacije u hrvatskom okruženju koja strateškim planiranjem i proaktivnom komunikacijom ostvaruje kvalitetne odnose sa svojim ciljnim javnostima što dugoročno doprinosi boljoj reputaciji kluba, ali i financijskoj konstrukciji. Less
Abstract (english) The subject of this master's thesis is a specialized area of public relations, which is sports public relations. Sport has always been one of the key elements of our lives, for which there is also huge media interest. Given the specificity of sports, public relations function also specialized for this area.
In the theoretical part of the thesis, key concepts and areas of PR have been analyzed, with a focus on the elements of public relations in sport and their relationship with others
... More organizational functions.
In the research part of the thesis, the focus was on the NK Osijek football club, which was chosen as an example of good practice, based on which general conclusions can be drawn on sports public relations. The research subject is, therefore, the activities of sports public relations of NK Osijek. The research questions were aimed at defining the specifics of sports PR, determining the main target audience, and communication techniques used in sports PR. In addition to the selected case study, content analysis of social media and the club's official website were also used. To complete the entire methodological procedure, an interview was conducted with the head of the Public Relations Department of NK Osijek.
The research questions of this thesis were answered through a review of the reference literature, but also the research part related to the activities of NK Osijek. In addition to fans, the primary target groups defined were the media, the local community, the internal public, and club governing bodies and economic entities. The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified communication via social media to somewhat compensate for the impossibility of coming to the stadium. The biggest social media activity was recorded on the Facebook page and YouTube channel (NK Osijek TV), although the club also uses other communication channels (Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok).
NK Osijek is a very good example of sport organization in Croatia that, through strategic planning and proactive communication, achieves quality relationships with its target audiences, which in the long run contributes to a better reputation of the club, but also the financial structure. Less
odnosi s javnošću
sportski odnosi s javnošću
sportske javnosti
NK Osijek
Keywords (english)
public relations
sports public relations
NK Osijek football club
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:882290
Study programme Title: Public Relations Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra odnosa s javnostima (magistar/magistra odnosa s javnostima)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-09-07 09:19:23