Abstract | Reumatoidni artritis je sistemska autoimuna bolest karakterizirana promjenama na zglobovima, obično zglobovima šake i stopala, na kojima se artritis i najjasnije očituje. Kronična je bolest nepoznata uzroka i zahvaća više organskih sustava. Zglobovi su simetrično zahvaćeni upalom, koja uzrokuje otok i bol, deformitet i naposljetku razaranje. Najčešća je upalna reumatska bolest koja zahvaća 1% populacije. S obzirom na svoj progresivni tijek, važno je na vrijeme dijagnosticirati i početi liječiti. Pri tome medicinska sestra ima veliku važnost, na način da je ona ta koja priprema bolesnika na dijagnostičke postupke, psihički i fizički. Također je tu za bolesnika kroz cijeli proces liječenja, kroz brojne intervencije koje provodi. U prošlosti bi se, zbog nedostatnih metoda liječenja, osobe koje su bolovale od RA s progresijom bolesti pretvorile u invalide, nesposobne za rad. Danas, napretkom biomedicine i znanosti, učestalo se pronalaze nova saznanja o RA. Istraživanjima i razvojem novih dijagnostičkih metoda i lijekova RA postaje bolest kojoj se zaustavlja progresivni tijek i ljudi funkcioniraju u radnoj sredini. Cilj ovog rada jest napraviti pregled najnovijih saznanja o etiologiji, dijagnostici i liječenju RA, a kroz pregled najnovije znanstvene literature. Nakon pregleda literature, kroz prikaz sluĉaja istražit će se kako metode dijagnostike, liječenja i sestrinskih intervencija funkcioniraju u praksi, te koliko su efektivne u tom specifičnom slučaju. Također kroz ovaj rad želim naglasiti i ulogu i važnost medicinske sestre kroz cijeli proces dijagnostike i liječenja bolesti s obzirom da se radi o kroničnom oboljenju koje u najtežim slučajevima zahtjeva cjeloživotno liječenje. |
Abstract (english) | Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by changes in the joints, usually the joints of the hands and feet, where arthritis is the most clearly manifested. It is a chronic disease of unknown cause and it affects several organ systems. The joints are symmetrically affected by inflammation, which causes swelling and pain, deformation and eventually destruction. It is the most common inflammatory rheumatic disease, which affects 1% of the population. Considering its progressive course, it is important to diagnose and start treatment in time. During that time, the nurse is very important, as she is the one who prepares the patient for diagnostic procedures, mentally and physically. She is also there for the patient throughout the entire treatment process, through the numerous interventions she carries out. In the past, with the progression of the disease, people with RA would become disabled, unable to work, due to inadequate treatment methods. Today, with the progress of biomedicine and science, new knowledge about RA is often found. Through research and development of new diagnostic methods and drugs, RA becomes a disease whose progressive course stops and people function in the working environment. The aim of this paper is to review the latest knowledge on the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of RA, through a review of the latest scientific literature. After reviewing the literature, through the case presentation, it will be investigated how diagnostic methods, treatment methods and nursing interventions work in practice, that is, how effective they are in that specific case. Also, through this work, I want to emphasize the role and importance of the nurse throughout the entire process of diagnosis and treatment of the disease, given that it is a chronic disease that, in the most severe cases, requires lifelong treatment. |