Title Plan i politika razvoja turizma Općine Konavle
Title (english) Plan and Policy of Tourism Development - Municipality of Konavle
Author Antonela Crnčević
Mentor Ivana Pavlić (mentor)
Committee member Barbara Puh (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Portolan (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Department of Economics and Business Economics) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2023-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Turizam je visoko fragmentirani sustav koji u hrvatskome gospodarstvu već dugo vremena donosi najveće prihode te samim time postaje i veliki čimbenik koji utječe na njegov razvoj. To je posebno vidljivo na regionalnoj, odnosno lokalnoj razini u jedinicama smještenih u Jadranskoj Hrvatskoj. Za kvalitetne gospodarske rezultate potrebna je međusobna suradnja i nadopunjavanje između različitih gospodarskih grana i djelatnosti. Tu ulogu povezivanja između djelatnosti trebala bi imati ekonomska politika, odnosno politika razvoja, kako određene gospodarske grane, tako i gospodarstva u cjelini. Kao dio ekonomske politike uz čiju se pomoć usmjeravaju i objedinjuju pravci razvoja niza različitih djelatnosti, turistička politika bazira se kako i sam naziv govori na turizam.
U ekonomskom svijetu pisanje poslovnog plana i planiranje temeljne su radnje koje omogućavaju kvalitetno vođenje poslovnog pothvata. Kako za male poduzetnike, dobar plan jednako je važan i za velike dionike u gospodarskom sustavu. Planiranje je aktivnost koja je svjesna i kontinuirana te je usmjerena na definiranje nekih budućih ciljeva. Planirati se može na dugi ili na kratki rok. Za uspješno poslovanje potrebno je imati i kratkoročni i dugoročni plan te unaprijed definirati metode kojima će se težiti ostvarenju ciljeva.
Tema ovog diplomskog rada je Plan i politika razvoja turizma Općine Konavle. Rad se sastoji od dva dijela. U prvom dijelu rada kratki je prikaz relevantne literature o planiranju i planu kao sredstvom upravljanja turističkim razvojem te o politikama koje utječu na razvoj turizma. Kako se rad odnosi na konkretnu analizu Općine Konavle, prvi dio rada sadrži i informacije o Općini Konavle. U drugom dijelu rada, analizom sekundarnih podataka prikazan je razvoj turizma Općine Konavle i njegova povezanost sa planom i politikom turizma. Također su prikazane najvažnije gospodarske grane i djelatnosti te je kroz analizu dolazaka i noćenja turista kroz godine te analizu proračuna i infrastrukturnih projekata prikan razvoj turizma te utjecaj na plan i politiku turizma u Konavlima. Na kraju rada SWOT analizom utvrđeno koje su snage, slabosti, prilike i prijetnje u Konavlima.
Abstract (english) Tourism is a highly fragmented system that has been the largest source of revenue for the Croatian economy for a long time, and thus becomes a major factor influencing its development. This is particularly visible at the regional or local level in the units located in Adriatic Croatia. Good economic results require mutual cooperation and complementarity between different economic branches and activities. This role of connecting between activities should ne played by the economic policy, that is, the policy of development, both of certain branches of the economy, and of the economy as a whole. As a part of the economic policy with the help of which the directions of development of a number of different activities are directed and unified, the tourism policy is based, as the name itself suggests, on tourism.
In the economic world, writing a business plan and planning are fundamental actions that enable quality management of a business venture. As for small entrepreneurs, a good plan is equally important for large stakeholders in economic system. Planning is an activity that is conscious and continuous and is aimed at defining some future goals. It can be planned in the long or short term. For a successful business, it is necessary to have both a short-term and long-term plan and to define in advance the goals.
The topic of this thesis is the Plan and policy of tourism development – Municipality of Konavle. In the first part of this thesis, there is a brief overview of the relevant literature on planning and the plan as a means of managing tourism development and on policies that affect tourism development. As the paper refers to a specific analysis of the Municipality of Konavle, the first part of this thesis also contains information about the Municipality of Konavle. In the second part of this thesis, tourism development in the Municipality of Konavle and its connection with the plan and policy of tourism is presented through the analysis of secondary data. The most important economic branches and activities are also presented and through the analysis of tourist arrivals and overnight stays over the years, as well as the analysis of budgets and infrastructure projects, the development of tourism and the impact on the plan and policy of tourism in Konavle are shown. At the end of the thesis, a SWOT analysis determined the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in Konavle.
razvoj turizma
Keywords (english)
tourism development
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:940487
Study programme Title: Business Economy; specializations in: Tourism, Marketing, International trade, IT management Course: Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2023-10-06 10:27:34