Title Suvremeni izazovi gospodarskog razvoja
Title (english) Contemporary Challenges of Economic Development
Author Maria Šoštarić
Mentor Perica Vojinić (mentor)
Committee member Marija Bečić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Matea Matić Šošić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Faculty of Economics and Business) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2024-09-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics General Economy
Abstract Povezanost između gospodarskog razvoja i suvremenih izazova izuzetno je složena i dinamična s obzirom na različite faktore koji oblikuju suvremeno poslovno okruženje. Gospodarski razvoj je glavni pokretač napretka i blagostanja društva, obuhvaća razne aspekte rasta i poboljšanja životnog standarda. Međutim, suvremeni svijet se suočava s brojnim izazovima koji mogu imati značajan utjecaj na gospodarstva diljem svijeta. Svjetsko gospodarstvo je pod velikim pritiskom globalnih, tehnoloških, društvenih i ekoloških kriza. Nakon dvije godine pandemije koronavirusa, trenutnim ratom između Ukrajine i Rusije te inflacijom, mnogi ljudi, poduzeća i zemlje su suočeni s problemima usporavanja globalnog gospodarstva.
Cilj ovog završnog rada je analizirati suvremene izazove u gospodarskom razvoju te razmotriti njihov utjecaj na gospodarska kretanja. U radu de se detaljno objasniti suvremeni izazovi te analizirati neke od najznačajnijih problema koji trenutno pogađaju svjetsko gospodarstvo, a oni uključuju rast stanovništva, inflaciju, sukob Ukrajine i Rusije, klimatske promjene, promjene u tehnologiji te posljedice pandemije. Novi izazovi povećavaju poteškoće u ispunjavanju kritičnih potreba kao što su socijalna zaštita, sigurnost hrane i resursa i klimatska prilagodba posebice s obzirom na oslabljene temelje koji su rezultat globalne zdravstvene pandemije. Bez adekvatnih mehanizama koordinacije ili odgovora međunarodne politike, različiti šokovi i slabosti sadašnjih gospodarstava mogu se u budućnosti pretvoriti u sistemske katastrofe.
Abstract (english) The connection between economic development and contemporary challenges is extremely complex and dynamic considering the various factors that shape the modern business environment. Economic development is the main driver of progress and well-being of society; it encompasses various aspects of growth and improvement of living standards. However, the modern world faces a number of challenges that can have a significant impact on economies around the world. The world economy is under great pressure from global, technological, social and environmental crises. After two years of the coronavirus pandemic, the current war between Ukraine and Russia and inflation, many people, companies and countries are faced with the problems of the global economic slowdown.
The goal of this paper is to analyse contemporary challenges in economic development and consider their impact. The paper will explain in detail contemporary challenges and analyse some of the most significant problems currently affecting the world economy, which include population growth, inflation, the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, climate change, changes in technology and the consequences of the pandemic. New challenges increase the difficulty of fulfilling critical needs such as social protection, food and resource security and climate adaptation, particularly in the light of the pandemic's weakening of the foundations. Without adequate coordination mechanisms or international policy responses, the various shocks and weaknesses of current economies may turn into systemic disasters in the future.
suvremeni izazovi
gospodarski razvoj
svjetsko gospodarstvo
Keywords (english)
contemporary challenges
economic development
world economy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:875523
Study programme Title: Business Economy; specializations in: Tourism, Marketing, International trade, IT management Course: Marketing Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) poslovne ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2024-10-07 09:50:07