Title Laseri koji se najčešće primjenjuju u dermatologiji
Author Dalija Rold
Mentor Ana Bakija Konsuo (mentor)
Committee member Dragutin Petković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Zoranić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Bakija Konsuo (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2024-10-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Dermatovenerology
Abstract Prvi laser korišten u medicini napravljen je od sintetičkog rubina. Taj je laser izumio te potom njegove rezultate prikazao američki dermatolog Leon Goldman 1963. godine. Danas je na tržištu dostupan veliki broj različitih lasera, npr. Q-switcher Nd:YAG, Q-switched ruby laser, Q-switched alexandrite laser, pulsed dye laser, dok su stari argonski laseri skoro potpuno izašli iz upotrebe. Osnovna podjela lasera uključuje ablativne, neablativne i frakcijske lasere. Najčešće indikacije za primjenu lasera čine vaskularne i pigmentirane promjene, dobroćudne tumorske promjene, tetovaže, bore, ožiljci i hipertrihoza, a u današnje vrijeme sve je češća upotreba lasera u liječenju akni. Najveća prednost lasera je selektivno uklanjanje promjena koje se temelji na učincima apsorbiranog laserskog zračenja. U radu su opisani laseri koji su dostupni u poliklinikama koje se bave estetskom dermatologijom na području grada Dubrovnika. Dostupni su frakcijski, diodni i Nd:YAG laseri kao i IPL tehnologija. Korištenje lasera kontraindicirano je na mjestu aktivne infekcije, kod trudnica i pacijenata sklonih stvaranju keloida i hipertrofičnih ožiljaka te kod određenih fotosenzibilnih bolesti poput lupusa i porfirije. Najčešće nuspojave uključuju prolazni edem i eritem na mjestu tretmana koji se spontano povlače unutar dva dana. Moguće ozbiljne nuspojave uključuju infekcije, postupalnu hiperpigmentaciju i stvaranje ožiljaka i opeklina. Prije tretmana laserom, potrebno je uzeti detaljnu anamnezu i pravilno odabrati pacijenta za određeni tretman kao i odabrati dgovarajuće postavke na uređaju. Za vrijeme tretmana obavezno je korištenje zaštitnih naočala za pacijenta, liječnika kao i za zdravstvenog asistenta uz pridržavanje drugih mjera sigurnosti.
Abstract (english) The American dermatologist L. Goldman was the first in the field of medicine to use the laser in dermatology. The laser was made of synthetic ruby and Goldman presented its results in 1963. Today, a large number of different lasers are available on the market, for example Q-switcher Nd:YAG, Q-switched ruby laser, Q-switched alexandrite laser, pulsed dye laser, while the old Argon lasers are almost completely out of use. The basic division of lasers includes ablative, non-ablative and fractional lasers. The most common indications for the use of lasers are vascular and pigmented lesions, benign tumors, tattoos, wrinkles, scars and hypertrichosis. Nowadays the use of lasers in the treatment of acne is increasing. The biggest advantage of the laser is the selective removal of changes based on the effects of absorbed laser radiation. The paper describes six devices from polyclinics in the city of Dubrovnik that offer laser treatments. Fractional, diode and Nd:YAG lasers as well as IPL technology are described. The use of the laser is contraindicated at the site of active infection, in pregnant women and patients prone to the formation of keloids and hypertrophic scars, and in certain photosensitive conditions such as lupus and porphyria. The most common side effects include transient edema and erythema at the treatment site that resolve spontaneously within two days. Possible serious side effects include infections, hyperpigmentation, scarring and burns. Before laser treatment, it is necessary to take a detailed history and correctly select the patient for a specific treatment as well as choosing the appropriate settings on the device. During the treatment, it is mandatory to use protective glasses for the patient and the doctor and apply other safety measures.
pigmentirane lezije
vaskularne lezije
kozmetički tretmani
Keywords (english)
pigmented lesions
vascular lesions
cosmetic procedures
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:680413
Study programme Title: / Study programme type: professional Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-10-29 08:58:48