Abstract | Rak dojke je najčešća maligna bolest kod žena, a vrlo rijetko mogu oboljeti i muškarci. Rak dojke manifestira se pojavom nove tvorbe. Tumorske stanice se mogu odvojiti od tumora u dojci te putem krvi ili limfe dospjeti do udaljenih dijelova tijela. Tamo počinju daljnji rast i razmnožavanje te se stvaraju novi tumori. Najčešća mjesta metastaza raka dojke su jetra, pluća, kosti, mozak te limfni čvorovi. Gotovo polovica žena koje oboli od raka dojke razvije metastatsku bolest. Oko trećinu svih malignih tumora kod žena čini rak dojke.
Danas učestalost zloćudnih bolesti u populaciji je u porastu, a jedna od najčešćih je zloćudni tumor ili karcinom dojke u žena. Uznemirujući podatak je da se tumor javlja u sve mlađoj životnoj dobi, ponekad čak i kod djevojaka mlađih od 20 godina, osobito ako je netko od ženskih članova obitelji bolovao od karcinoma dojke. Povoljna okolnost je da se s napretkom medicine i s razvijenom svijesti o bolesti među ljudima zloćudni karcinom dojke otkriva u vrlo ranim fazama, kada je moguće postići izlječenje bolesti bilo operacijom, zračenjem ili kemoterapijom, odnosno kombinacijom tih načina liječenja. Veliku ulogu u ranom otkrivanju bolesti ima redoviti, barem jednom tjedno izvedeni, samopregled dojki, jer svaka žena redovitim opipavanjem dojki može primijetiti abnormalnost i razriješiti sumnju liječničkim pregledom. Također su važni redoviti godišnji pregledi dojke mamografijom ili ultrazvukom. Sve ovo spomenuto povećava izglede za rano otkrivanje, a potom i izlječenje raka dojke. Rak dojke predstavlja velik problem u zdravstvu i zajednici pa se ulažu brojni napori u prevladavanju bolesti, posebno investiranjem u biološka i medicinska istraživanja, obrazovanje stručnjaka i osviještenost ljudi.
Medicinska sestra kroz sve svoje segmente djelovanja može doprinijeti ranom otkrivanju raka dojke, uspješnoj zdravstvenoj njezi i rehabilitaciji kroz intervencije koje provodi u zbrinjavanju bolesnice, osiguravajući joj neposrednu fizičku i emocionalnu pomoć uz motivaciju, socijalnu podršku i edukaciju. Primjerom suvremenih stručnih spoznaja kroz zdravstvenu njegu uz emocionalnu i toplu podršku u holističkom pristupu bolesnici razvija se novi pristup sestrinstvu. |
Abstract (english) | Breast cancer is the most common malignant disease in women, and very rarely, men can also develop it. Breast cancer manifests as the appearance of a new growth. Tumor cells can detach from the tumor in the breast and, through blood or lymphatic vessels, reach distant parts of the body. In the new loaction, they begin to grow creating a new tumors. The most common sites of breast cancer metastasis are the liver, lungs, bones, brain, and lymph nodes. Nearly half of the women diagnosed with breast cancer, develop metastatic disease. About one-third of all malignant tumors in women are breast cancer.
Today, the incidence of malignant diseases in the population is increasing, and one of the most common is breast cancer in women. A disturbing fact is that tumors are occurring at an increasingly younger age, sometimes even in girls under 20, especially if a female family member has had breast cancer. A positive factor is that with advances in medicine and increased awareness of the disease, malignant breast cancer is often detected at very early stages, when it is possible to cure the disease through surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or a combination of these treatments. A crucial role in the early detection of the disease is played by regular breast self-examinations.It has to be performed at least once a week, as every woman can notice any abnormalities and seek medical clarification through examination. Regular annual breast screenings, such as mammograms or ultrasounds, are more important. All of this increases the chances of early detection and subsequent cure of breast cancer. Breast cancer represents a significant problem in healthcare and the community, so significant efforts are being made to combat the disease, particularly through investments in biological and medical research, professional education, and public awareness.
A nurse, through all aspects of her work, can contribute to the early detection of breast cancer, successful healthcare, and rehabilitation through interventions that she carries out in the care of the patient, providing immediate physical and emotional assistance along with motivation, social support, and education. By applying modern professional knowledge through healthcare, combined with emotional and warm support in a holistic approach to the patient, a new approach to nursing is being developed. |