Title Analiza vanjskih čimbenika organizacije
Title (english) The analysis of the external factors of the organization
Author Ema Vrljičak
Mentor Marija Martinović (mentor)
Committee member Ivona Vrdoljak Raguž (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zorica Krželj Čolović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Faculty of Economics and Business) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2019-05-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Organizacija je pod utjecajem različitih čimbenika iz unutarnje ili vanjske okoline. U skladu s time čimbenici organizacije dijele se na unutarnje i vanjske. Na unutarnje čimbenike organizacija može u velikoj mjeri utjecati, odnosno može njima upravljati, dok se vanjskim čimbenicima organizacija treba prilagoditi ako ţeli opstati jer ti čimbenici upravljaju organizacijom. Vanjski čimbenici organizacije jesu okolina, integracijski procesi i tržište. Okolina se odnosi na vanjske snage i utjecaje izvan organizacije. Tri su razine okoline, a to su međuorganizacijska mreža, opća okolina te globalna, odnosno međunarodna okolina. U opću okolinu ubrajaju se ekonomska, tehnološka, društvena, demografska, politička, pravna i kulturna okolina. Integracijski procesi obuhvaćaju procese spajanja i pripajanja te strateške saveze. Tržište obuhvaća tržište nabave i tržište prodaje. Na tržištu nabave organizacije se susreću s tržištem dobavljača za sirovine, materijale i usluge s jedne strane te tržištem radne snage kao drugim elementom tržišta nabave, dok se na tržištu prodaje poduzeće susreće s kupcima i konkurencijom. Svi ti čimbenici utječu na organizaciju te su s njima povezane promjene kojima se organizacije trebaju prilagođavati kako bi opstale na tržištu. U radu se analiziraju vanjski čimbenici organizacije na primjeru poduzeća Kraš d.d. To je najveće hrvatsko poduzeće čija je osnovna djelatnost proizvodnja konditorskih proizvoda. Financijski podatci poduzeća pokazuju da poduzeće uspješno posluje. Analiza vanjskih čimbenika poduzeća Kraš d.d. pokazala je da poduzeće analizira svoju okolinu, kupce, konkurente, dobavljače i tržište rada kako bi se prilagodilo u skladu s vanjskim čimbenicima i kako bi i dalje uspješno poslovalo.
Abstract (english) The organization is under the influence of various factors from the internal or external environment. Accordingly, organization factors are divided into internal and external factors. Organizations can influence the internal factors, while they need to adapt to external factors to survive on the market, because these factors govern the organization. External factors are the organization's environment, integration processes and markets. Environment refers to external forces and influences from outside the organization. There are three levels of environment, such as inter-organizational networks, the general environment and global or international environment. The general environment includes economic, technological, social, demographic, political, legal and cultural environment. Integration processes include mergers and acquisitions, and strategic alliances. The market includes purchasing market and sales market. On the purchasing market organizations are faced with the market suppliers for raw materials, materials and services on the one hand and the labor market, as well as with other elements of the purchasing market, while on the sales market the company meets with customers and competitors. All these factors affect the organization and they are associated with changes that organizations need to adapt in order to survive in the market. In this paper are analyzed the external factors of the organization on the example of the company Kraš Plc. It is the largest Croatian company whose core business is the production of confectionery products. The financial data of the company shows that the company has been operating successfully. The analysis of the external factors of the company Kraš Plc. has shown that the company analyzes their environment, customers, competitors, suppliers and the labor market to adapt in accordance with external factors and in order to continue operating successfully.
vanjski čimbenici
integracijski procesi
Keywords (english)
external factors
integration processes
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:911945
Study programme Title: Economics, with emphasis in: Economics, Tourism, International Trade, Marketing, Management, Financial Management Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Public note 3962
Created on 2019-05-16 08:42:24