Title Značenje MICE segmenta u strukturi ponude proizvoda hotelskog poduzeća
Title (english) The Importance of MICE Segment Within Contents of the Product of Hotel Company
Author Ana Grba
Mentor Iris Mihajlović (mentor)
Committee member Zorica Krželj Čolović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Dragičević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Department of Economics and Business Economics) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2019-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract U ovom radu je objašnjen pojam MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences, exhibitions), te njegova uloga u ukupnoj strukturi putovanja, trendovi u ovom segmentu posebice imajući u vidu potrošnju koja se realizira kroz poslovne događaje. Za uspješno obavljen događaj u hotelu potrebna je dobra koordinacija između odjela, svaki odjel nosi jednaku odgovornost za svoj dio koji je bitna stavka u cjelokupnoj organizaciji. MICE iz godine u godinu kako na domaćem tako i na svjetskom tržištu bilježi rast. Osim klasičnih poslovnih sastanaka s dodatnim uslugama, sve veća je potražnja za organizacijom incentiva, koji su možemo reći organizirano uživanje zaposlenika jedne firme.
U radu je korišten primjer Valamar Collection Dubrovnik President Hotel. MICE, odnosno poslovni turizam, u ukupnoj strukturi ponude na globalnoj razini zastupljeniji je oblik turizma. U Hrvatskoj je taj proizvod još u procesu razvoja u smislu stvaranja potrebne infrastrukture, prostornog uređenja u skladu sa zahtjevima potražnje, te prostora dvorane i tehničkog uređenja i opremljenosti iste kao i prepoznavanja MICE-a u odnosu na ostale oblike turizma. Ovaj segment potražnje karakterističan je po tome što omogućava produljenje sezone tako da otvaranje hotela počinje već u mjesecu veljača/ožujak i budu otvoreni sve do sredine mjeseca studenoga. Dakle, MICE je isključivo vezan za pred i posezonu kada je najveći interes sudionika za programom tog selektivnog oblika turizma (edukacije, team building, kongresi, incentives...). U radu je naglasak na F&B ponudu hotela s obzirom na vrstu manifestacije koja se održava. U zadnjem dijelu kroz primjer ćemo vidit koji su sve procesi u organizaciji potrebni da bi održali jedan uspješan događaj.
Abstract (english) In this paper, the term MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences, exhibitions) and its role in the overall structure of travel, trends in this segment, especially considering the consumption realized through business events. For a successful event at the hotel, good coordination between departments is required, each department carries the same responsibility for its part that is an essential item in the entire organisation. MICE grows year after year both domestically and internationally. In addition to the classic business meetings with additional services, there is an increasing demand for organising incentives, which can be said to be the organised enjoyment of a company's employees.
In this paper for an example is used the Valamar Collection Dubrovnik President Hotel. MICE, or business tourism, in the overall structure of the offer on a global level is a more representative form of tourism. In Croatia, this product is still in the process of development in terms of creating the necessary
infrastructure, spatial planning in line with demand requirements, room space and technical arrangement and equipment as well as recognising MICE in relation to other forms of tourism. This segment of demand is characterised by the fact that enables the extension of the season so opening of the hotel starts already in February / March and will be open until midNovember. So, MICE is the only link to the pre and post season when it is the greatest interest of the participants in the program of this selective form of tourism (education, team building, congresses, incentives ...). The emphasis is on F&B offer of the hotel with regard to the type of event being held. In the last part, by the example we will see which processes are required in the organisation to hold a successful event.
selektivni turizam
kongresni turizam
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:764221
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Tourism, Marketing, International Trade, IT Management Course: Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-10-07 09:37:08