Title Odnos lokalnog stanovništva prema turizmu i turistima u Dubrovniku od 1890-tih do početka Drugog svjetskog rata
Author Roko Butorac
Mentor Kristina Puljizević (mentor)
Mentor Marija Benić Penava (mentor)
Committee member Marija Gjurašić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marinko Marić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Ipšić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Department of Humanities) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2019-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History
Abstract Odnos lokalnog stanovništva prema turizmu i turistima kompleksna je pojava koja je rezultat
mnogih vanjskih faktora, koji su često političke, socio-ekonomske ili kulturne prirode. Među
te faktore spadaju političke preferencije, kako lokalnih stanovnika, tako i posjetitelja te
društveni ugled i financijsko stanje posjetitelja. Novac i materijalna dobit igraju važnu ulogu,
pa se zna događati preferiranje bogatijih turista nad onima skromnijeg financijskog stanja od
strane nekih lokalnih stanovnika. No, katkad i siromašniji turisti znaju dobivati prednost pred
običnim građanima, pa primjerice dobivaju neke usluge brže nego domaće stanovništvo.
Nepoznavanje društvenih običaja mjesta koje turist posjećuje, s naglaskom na nepisana
pravila ponašanja, može biti uzrok sukoba turista i lokalnog stanovništva. Međutim,
problematično ponašanje nekih pojedinaca, kako lokalnih stanovnika tako i turista, nije
opravdano nikakvim kulturnim razlikama ili neznanjem, već seza eventualno nastale sukobe
mogu kriviti baš takvi pojedinci i njihova bezobzirnost, sebičnost i pohlepa. Strane investicije
u turizmu, uz sve svoje prednosti, mogu imati i mane koje se manifestiraju u obliku manjka
radnih mjesta za lokalne stanovnike, nametanje stranog jezika i kulture kao i gubljenje nekih
javnih odnosno zelenih površina, što sve ima utjecaj na životni standard u turističkoj
destinaciji pa potom i na odnos lokalnog stanovništva prema turizmu i turistima. Iako razvoj
turizma povoljno utječe na razvoj turističke destinacije na više razina, prenagli rast broja
posjetitelja može rezultirati raznim problemima kao što su gužve u prometu, pretjeran pritisak
na energetsku mrežu pa i rast cijena življenja ili nedostatak određenih živežnih namirnica, a
sve to negativno utječe na percepciju lokalnog stanovništva prema turizmu i turistima. Iako se
Dubrovnik suočio s gotovo svim navedenim problemima, kontinuiranim razvojem prometne,
energetske i turističke infrastrukture kao i praćenjem turističkih trendova su ti negativni učinci
smanjeni koliko je tobilo moguće i turizam se nastavio razvijati do danas.
Abstract (english) The attitude of the local population towards tourism and tourists is a complex phenomenon
that is the result of many external factors, which are often political, socio-economic or
cultural in nature. These include political preferences of both locals and visitors, as well as the
social reputation and financial status of the tourists. Money and material profits play an
important role, resulting in the preference of wealthier tourists compared to ones witha more
modest financial backgroundby some of the locals. However, sometimes even less wealthy
tourists are known to have a certain advantagem compared to ordinary local citizens, for
example, certain services are provided faster for tourists than for locals. Ignorance of social
customs of the places a tourist visits, with an emphasis on unwritten rules of conduct, may be
the cause of possible conflicts between tourists and locals. However, the problematic behavior
of some certain individuals, both locals and tourists, is not justified by any cultural differences
or lack of knowledge and such individuals are to be blamed for any possible conflicts that
may arise due to their own recklessness, selfishness or greed. Foreign investments in tourism,
with all their advantages, can have disadvantages as well. These disadvantages manifest
themselves in the form of job shortages for local residents, the imposition of a foreign
language and culture, as well as the loss of some public and green areas, all of which have an
impact on the standards of living in the tourist destination and therefore also an impact on the
attitude of the local population towards tourism and tourists. Although the development of
tourism has a positive effect on the development of the tourist destination at almost all levels,
a sudden increase in the number of visitors can result in various problems such as traffic jams,
excessive pressure on the energy network and even rising prices or lack of certain goods, all
of which negatively affect the perception of locals towards tourism and tourists.Although
Dubrovnik faced almost all of these problems, the constant development of traffic, energy and
tourism infrastructure, as well as keeping track of trends in tourism reduced these negative
effects as low as possible and tourism in Dubrovnik continued to thrive to this day.
lokalno stanovništvo
utjecaj turizma na život lokalnog stanovništva
međuljudski odnosi.
Keywords (english)
local population
impact of tourism on the life of local residents
human relations.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:708010
Study programme Title: History of the Adriatic and the Mediterranean Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) povijesti (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) povijesti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-10-18 11:05:36