Title Povijest, svojstva i primjena pigmenata
Title (english) History, Properties and Application of Pigments
Author Demian Špaleta
Mentor Denis Vokić (mentor)
Mentor Lucia Emanuele (komentor)
Committee member Denis Vokić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Lucia Emanuele (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Alen Brković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Department of Art and Restoration) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2020-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts Conservation and Restoration
Abstract U ovom završnom radu istražuje se povijest, svojstva, stabilnost i primjena pigmenata na temelju dostupne literature.
Čovjek je koristio boje iz prirode od davnih vremena, ili iz minerala u zemlji ili iz biljaka i životinja koje okružuju njegovu okolinu. Boja je toliko bila bitna Egipćanima da su čak sintetizirali pigmente u poprilično kompleksnom procesu kako bi povećali svoju paletu. Pigmenti se mogu razvrstati na više načina; prema porijeklu, kemijskom sastavu, boji ili prema svojoj namjeni. Većina ranih pigmenata su bili anorganski, ali danas se koriste i organski i anorganski pigmenti. Organski pigmenti su kemijski manje stabilni od anorganskih. No, jakost boje je veća i boje su sjajnije od anorganskih. Organski pigmenti imaju manju gustoću od anorganskih. Anorganski pigmenti imaju otpornost prema djelovanju atmosfere, otapala i topline, i njihova proizvodnja je jeftinija. Anorganski pigmenti čine do 95% svjetske proizvodnje pigmenata. Radi jednoznačne klasifikacije i identifikacije pigmenti i bojila označavaju se, osim imenom i šifrom prema indeksu boje (Colour Index) koji propisuju kompetentna stručna udruženja u Engleskoj (Society of Dyers and Colourists) i SAD (American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists). Dok su svojstva (topljivih) bojila određena skoro u potpunosti po njihovim kemijskim građama, karakteristike primjene pigmenata – koji su po definiciji netopljivi u sredstvu u kojem se primjenjuju – su uvjetovane uglavnom njihovim kristalnim strukturama, to jest fizikalnim karakteristikama. Svojstva primjene pigmenata su određena po njihovim kemijskim sastavima, koje zauzvrat utječu na fizikalne parametre kristalne geometrije. Od mnogih dobrih svojstava, koja se od pigmenata zahtijevaju, optička su svojstva svakako najvažnija. Svjetlost može kroz tvar prolaziti, od nje se reflektirati ili biti apsorbirana. Ako vidljiva svjetlost prolazi kroz tvar nepromijenjena, tvar će biti bezbojna, ako se svjetlost potpuno apsorbira tvar je crna, a ako se potpuno reflektira tvar je bijela. Djelomična apsorpcija vidljive svjetlosti uzrok je obojenosti neke tvari. Svojstva boje pigmenta u ciljnom sredstvu jako ovise o morfologiji čestice i distribuciji veličine čestica. Zbog toga što smanjenje u veličini čestice korespondira povećanju u specifičnoj površini, sposobnost apsorpcije svjetlosti je stoga povećana. Nepoželjne promjene u boji mogu imati četiri uzroka; prvi, može doći do kemijskih interakcija unutar same boje; drugi, može doći do kemijskih interakcija između boje i nekog drugog materijala kao što je supstrat ispod boje ili neprikladna sredstva za čišćenje; treći, može doći do kemijskih interakcija između boje i atmosfere ili zagađivača; i četvrti, može biti različitih efekata svjetlosti, učestalo simultano s efektima atmosfere. Primjena pigmenata varira kao same boje. Iako, koja god upotreba bila, pigment treba postojati kao disperzija, a ne kao otopina. Bez sumnje, najveći potrošač pigmenata je industrija tiskanja. Slijedeći najveći potrošač pigmenata je industrija plastike i premaza. Druge primjene koje su vrijedne spomenuti su kod tekstila, kozmetike, netkanih vlakana, umjetničkih boja, staklenih vlakana i voska za svijeće.
Tema očuvanja boje je najčešće velika briga muzejskih kustosa, konzervatora i konzervatora – restauratora. Predmeti za koje je očuvanje boja od velike važnosti su; slike; tekstil; pozitiv i negativ fotografije; crteži i dokumenti na papiru, pergament i drugi supstrati; namještaj; građevine; i mnoštvo drugih predmeta od povijesne i/ili umjetničke važnosti.
Abstract (english) This final paper investigates the history, properties, stability and application of pigments, based on the available literature.
Man has used colors from nature since ancient times, either from minerals in the earth or from plants and animals that surround him. Color was so important to the Egyptians that they even synthesized pigments in a rather complex process to increase their palette. Pigments can be classified in several ways; according to origin, chemical composition, their color or according to their purpose. Most early pigments were inorganic, but both organic and inorganic pigments are used today. Organic pigments are chemically less stable than inorganic ones. But their color intensity is higher and the colors are brighter than inorganic ones. Organic pigments have a lower density than inorganic pigments. Inorganic pigments have great covering power, resistance to the action of the atmosphere, solvents and heat, but their production is cheaper. Inorganic pigments make up 95% of world pigment production. For the purpose of unambiguous classification and identification, pigments and dyes are marked, in addition to the name, with a code according to the index (Color Index) prescribed by competent professional associations in the United Kingdom (Society of Dyers and Colorists) and the USA (American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists). While the properties of (soluble) dyes are determined almost entirely by their chemical components, the application characteristics of pigments - which are by definition insoluble in the medium in which they are applied - are conditioned mainly by their crystalline components i.e. physical characteristics. The application properties of pigments are determined by their chemical components, which in turn affect the physical parameters of the crystal geometry. Of the many good properties that are required of pigments, optical properties are certainly the most important. Light can pass through matter, be reflected from it, or be absorbed by it. If the visible light passes through the substance unchanged, the substance will be colorless, if the light is completely absorbed the substance is black, and if it is fully reflected the substance is white. Partial absorption of visible light is the cause of the coloration of a substance. The color properties of the pigment in the target medium are highly dependent on the particle morphology and particle size distribution. Because a decrease in particle size corresponds to an increase in a specific surface area, the ability to absorb light is therefore increased. Adverse color changes can have four causes; first, chemical interactions can occur within the paint itself; second, chemical interactions may occur between the paint and some other material such as substrates under the paint or inappropriate cleaning agents; third, chemical interactions between the paint and the atmosphere or contaminants may occur; and fourth, there can be different effects of light, often simultaneously involving the atmosphere as well. The application of pigments varies as the colors themselves. Although, whatever the use, the pigment should exist as a dispersion and not as a solution. Undoubtedly the biggest consumer of pigments is the printing industry. The next largest consumer of pigments is the plastics and coatings industry. Other applications that are worth mentioning are in textiles, cosmetics, non-woven fibers, art paints, glass fibers and candle wax.
The topic of color preservation is most often the great concern of museum curators, conservators and conservators - restorers. Items for which color preservation is of great importance are; images; textile; positive and negative photographs; drawings and documents on paper, parchment and other substrates; furniture; buildings; and a host of other items of historical and/or artistic importance.
povijest pigmenata
kemijska i optička svojstva
kristalna struktura
očuvanje boje
Keywords (english)
History of pigments
chemical and optical properties
Crystal structure
Color retention
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:365468
Study programme Title: Conservation - Restauration; specializations in: Wood, Paper, Textile, Metal, Ceramics Course: Wood Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (bacccalaureus/baccalaurea) restauracije i konzervacije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (bacccalaureus/baccalaurea) restauracije i konzervacije)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2020-10-09 09:10:11