Title Utjecaj informacijskih tehnologija u poduzetništvu
Title (english) The Influence of Information Technology in Entrepreneurship
Author Mateo Mojaš
Mentor Zorica Krželj Čolović (mentor)
Committee member Ivona Vrdoljak Raguž (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Iris Mihajlović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Department of Economics and Business Economics) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2021-07-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Economics of Entrepreneurship
Abstract Danas informacijske tehnologije postaju sve važnije u svakodnevnom poslovanju i postale su jedan od najvažnijih čimbenika u razvoju poduzetništva. Duga povijest poduzetništva poznata je i prije razvoja bilo kakvih informacijskih tehnologija, ali također je očito da je nakon uvođenja informacijskih tehnologija u sam posao poduzetništva postignut bolji način poslovanja. Zbog važnosti i promjena kojima je poduzetništvo izloženo, poslovanje je uvijek bilo predmet velikog broja istraživanja, a danas značajno mjesto u istraživanjima zauzima pitanje utjecaja informacijskih tehnologija na male, srednje i velike poduzeća. Razvojem informacijskih tehnologija poduzetnici imaju bolji pristup podacima pomoću kojih (ako ih dobro koriste) mogu znatno olakšati svoje poslovanje, ali i ostvariti veću zaradu. Razvojem Interneta konkurencija je postala puno veća jer sada svi poduzetnici u svakom trenutku mogu saznati što ih zanima, dok su prije nekoliko godina na željene informacije morali pričekati nekoliko dana. Danas je u poduzetništvu sve veći broj novih "e-tvrtki", jer je uz pomoć Interneta moguće naručiti i platiti proizvod bez dolaska na fizičko prodajno mjesto. Poslovne inovacije kontinuirane su zbog kontinuiranog uvođenja novih tehnologija, poslovnih modela i komunikacijskih pristupa. Sve tvrtke koje danas shvaćaju važnost e-trgovine moraju imati web stranicu kako bi ih korisnici mogli lakše pronaći. Internet je donio i promjenu u primjeni marketinga, jer više nije dovoljno samo otvoriti tvrtku, već ga treba dobro oglašavati "na mreži" kako bi ljudi shvatili da se nešto ne događa u njihovom okruženju. Razvoj i uporaba informacijske tehnologije uvelike pomaže u postizanju konkurentskih prednosti tvrtki, pojednostavljenju njihovog poslovnog procesa i poboljšanju vještina njihovih zaposlenika.
Abstract (english) Today, information technologies are becoming increasingly important in everyday business and have become one of the most important factors in the development of entrepreneurship. The long history of entrepreneurship is known even before the development of any information technology, but it is also obvious that after the introduction of information technology in the business of entrepreneurship, a better way of doing business has been achieved. Due to the importance and changes to which entrepreneurship is exposed, business has always been the subject of many studies, and today a significant place in research is occupied by the issue of the impact of information technology on small, medium and large enterprises. With the development of information technologies, entrepreneurs have better access to data with which (if they use them well) they can significantly facilitate their business, but also make more money. With the development of the Internet, the competition has become much greater because now all entrepreneurs can find out what interests them at any time, while a few years ago they had to wait a few days for the desired information. Today, there is an increasing number of new "e-companies" in entrepreneurship, because with the help of the Internet it is possible to order and pay for a product without coming to a physical point of sale. Business innovations are continuous due to the continuous introduction of new technologies, business models and communication approaches. All companies that understand the importance of e-commerce today must have a website so that users can find them more easily. The Internet has also brought about a change in the application of marketing, as it is no longer enough to just start a business, but it needs to be well advertised “online” to make people realize that something is not happening in their environment. The development and use of information technology greatly help to achieve the competitive advantages of companies, simplify their business process and improve the skills of their employees.
informacijske tehnologije
procesna informacijska tehnologija
hrvatska poduzeća
Keywords (english)
information technologies
process information technology
Croatian companies
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:805339
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Tourism, Marketing, International Trade, IT Management Course: IT Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Public note 4229
Created on 2021-09-15 09:21:00