Title Zaustavljeno vrijeme - fotografija
Title (english) Stopped time - photography
Author Tea Birovljević
Mentor Lucia Emanuele (mentor)
Mentor Sanja Serhatlić (komentor)
Committee member Lucia Emanuele (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Serhatlić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Uskoković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Department of Art and Restoration) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2021-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts Conservation and Restoration
Abstract Fotografija je bila jedno od otkrića koje je promijenilo svijet. Kao što je kotač omogućio
čovjeku da putuju brže i istražuje svijet, tako mu je fotografija omogućila nešto što se u povijesti
činilo potpuno nemogućim – sačuvati trenutak vremena. Fotografija je pokrenula takozvanu
vizualnu eru koja je postala glavnom karakteristikom modernog doba. Zbog velike važnosti koju
ima fotografija, potrebno ju je kvalitetno čuvati i rukovati s njome. Ovaj rad obrađuje tematiku
procesa nastanka fotografije, njezina čuvanja, izlaganja, konzerviranja i restauriranja. Rad donosi
glavne odrednice oštećenja koje prijete fotografiji, a koje vrlo lako mogu uzrokovati razni
unutarnji i vanjski čimbenici. Praktični dio rada bit će prikazan na primjeru crno-bijele srebro
želatinske fotografije iz privatne zbirke. Na fotografiji „Fotografija djece― provedeni su postupci
identifikacije, analize i testovi, uklanjanje nečistoća, dezinfekcija, ojačavanje, izrada integracija
te toniranje i retuširanje. Svi spomenuti postupci čine kompletnu restauraciju i konzervaciju
fotografije i pomogli su fotografiji vratiti njezinu izvornu namjenu, odnosno čuvanje trenutka u
Procesi nastanka fotografije morali su se prilagođavati izazovnom napretku tehnologije.
Kako bi se mogli razumjeti fotografski procesi treba poznavati temeljne pojmove i koncepte koji
se mogu primijeniti na svakoj vrsti fotografije pa ovaj rad donosi najvažnije crte ove tematike.
Ako su fotografije izložene nekim oblicima manipulacije ili ako su neadekvatno zaštićene kada
su izložene velikom broju ljudi, dolazi do raznih oblika oštećenja koje je gotovo nemoguće u
potpunosti izbjeći. Pojam oštećenja kompleksan je kao i sam pojam fotografije. Postoje razne
vrste i oblici njenog oštećenja stoga je vrlo važna preventivna zaštita, ali i stvaranje povoljnih
uvjeta za pohranu. Kako bi se fotografije mogle pravilno pohraniti, zaštititi i restaurirati ključno
je poznavanje fizičkih i kemijskih karakteristika fotografije te poznavanje tehnologije izrade.
Abstract (english) Photography is one of the discoveries that has changed the world. Just as the wheel
allowed man to travel faster and explore the world, photography enabled him to do something
that seemed completely impossible in history - to save a moment of time. Photography launched
the so-called visual era, which has become a major feature of the modern age. Due to the great
importance of photography, it is necessary to store it well and handle it accordingly. This paper
deals with the process of photography, its preservation, exhibition, conservation and restoration.
The paper brings the main determinants of damage that threatens photography, which can very
easily be caused by various internal and external factors. The practical part of the paper will be
presented on the example of a black and white silver gelatin photograph from a private
collection. Identification, analysis and tests, removal of impurities, disinfection, strengthening,
integration and toning and retouching were performed on the photograph "Photograph of
children". All the mentioned procedures make a complete restoration and conservation of the
photograph and helped the photograph to return to its original purpose, that is, saving the
moment in time.
The creation processes of photography had to and continues to adapt to the challenging
advances of technology. In order to understand photographic processes, it is necessary to know
the basic terms and concepts that can be applied to any type of photography, so this paper
highlights the most important features of this topic. If photographs are exposed to some form of
manipulation or if they are inadequately protected when exposed to a large number of people,
various forms of damage can occur. This damage is almost impossible to completely avoid. The
notion of damage is as complex as the very notion of photography. There are various types and
forms of damage, so it is very important to take the correct preventive protection, but also utilise
the creation of favourable storage conditions. In order for photographs to be properly stored,
protected and restored, knowledge of the physical and chemical characteristics of the photograph
itself and knowledge of technology is crucial.
fotografski procesi
uvjeti čuvanja
Keywords (english)
photographic processes
storage conditions
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:366930
Study programme Title: Conservation - Restoration: Wood, Paper, Textiles, Metals and Ceramics; specializations in: Wood, Paper, Textile, Metal, Ceramics Course: Paper Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra konzervacije i restauracije (magistar/magistra konzervacije i restauracije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2021-10-07 08:28:06