Title Modeli razvoja inovacija u hotelijerstvu
Title (english) Innovation Development Models in Hospitality Sector
Author Maro Šimunović
Mentor Nebojša Stojčić (mentor)
Committee member Perica Vojinić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Bečić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Department of Economics and Business Economics) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2022-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract U prvom dijelu rada definira se pojam inovacija kao implementacija novog proizvoda ili poboljšanje postojećeg proizvoda ili usluge. Inovacije su postale neophodne u današnjem poslovanju poduzeća, posebice u turizmu. Brzi razvoj tehnologije, ljudi su sve više obrazovaniji i tehnološki osviješteni, dostupnost sličnih proizvoda i usluga su utjecali na to da inovacije postanu jedan od najvažnijih elemenata u poslovanju poduzeća. Glavni pokretači inovacija u turizmu su: turisti, tehnološke promjene, turoperatori i konkurencija. Hoteli stalno moraju pratiti tržište i razvijati svoje proizvode i usluge kako bi privukli goste. Neke od inovacija u hotelijerstvu su: wifi, online check in, smart room. Razlikujemo više vrsta inovacija, a to su: tehnološke, netehnološke, new age inovacije i održive eko inovacije. Internet, razvoj mobilne ili bežične telefonije, dostupnost osobama s poteškoćama, multimedija su samo neke od tehnoloških inovacija koje imaju snažan utjecaj na turizam. Netehnološke inovacije se baziraju na organizacijske i menadžerske inovacije. Kod new age inovacija ističe se nekoliko najznačajnijih inovacija poput robotike ili beskontaktnog plaćanja. Naglasak je na održivim - eko inovacijama s obzirom na sve veću ekološku osviještenost ljudi, brigu o zaštiti okoliša i korištenju obnovljivih izvora energije. Održivi turizam bi trebao osigurati optimalno iskorištavanje prirodnih resursa, poštivati društveno – kulturnu autentičnost destinacije i osigurati održive i dugoročne gospodarske aktivnosti. U zadnjem dijelu rada je na primjeru hotela „ Valamar Collection Dubrovnik President “ opisana primjena inovacije flexkeeping i njezin utjecaj na poslovanje hotela.
Abstract (english) The first part of the work defines the concept of innovation as the implementation of a new product or improvement of an existing product or service. Innovation has become necessary in today's business operations, especially in tourism. The rapid development of technology, people are more and more educated and technologically aware, the availability of similar products and services have influenced innovation to become one of the most important elements in the business of the company. The main drivers of innovation in tourism are: tourist, technological change, touroperators and competition. Hotels must constantly monitor the market and develop their products and services to attract guests. Some of the innovations in the hotel industry are: wifi, online check in, smart room. We distinguish several types of innovations: technological, non – technological, new age innovations and sustainable eco – innovations. Internet, the development of mobile or wireless telephony, accessibility for people with disabilities, multimedia, are just some of the technological innovations that have a strong impact on tourism. Non – technological innovations are based
on organizational and managerial innovations. Some of the most important new age innovations are robotics or contactless payment. We put the emphasis on sustainable eco – innovation because of the growing enviromental awarness of people, care for the enviroment and the use of renewable energy sources. Sustainable tourism should ensure optimal use of natural resources, respect the socio – cultural authenticity of the destination, and ensure sustainable and long – term economic activities. In the last part of the work, on the example of the hotel „ Valamar Collection Dubrovnik President “ we described the application of flexkeeping innovation and its impact on hotel operations.
pokretači inovacija
vrste inovacija
održive – eko inovacije
održivi turizam
Keywords (english)
main drivers
types of innovations
sustainable eco – innovation
sustainable tourism
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:383374
Study programme Title: Hospitality, restaurant business and gastronomy Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica hotelijerstva (stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica hotelijerstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-10-03 08:06:11