Abstract | Post-COVID sindrom, poznat i kao produženi COVID, označava skup simptoma koji se
pojavljuju kod osoba čak i nakon što su formalno ozdravile od akutne faze COVID-19. Dok
mnogi dožive blagu ili umjerenu bolest i oporave se, značajan broj se suočava s nizom trajnih
zdravstvenih problema koji duboko utječu na njihovu svakodnevicu.
Ovi simptomi traju i pogađaju različite tjelesne sustave, uključujući umor, respiratorne
probleme, neurološke smetnje poput glavobolje i problema s pamćenjem, kardiovaskularne
simptome, gastrointestinalne tegobe te psihičke posljedice poput anksioznosti i depresije.
Osobe također mogu osjećati bolove u mišićima i zglobovima, gubitak osjeta okusa i mirisa te
pad općeg zdravstvenog stanja.
Post-COVID sindrom je kompleksno stanje koje još uvijek nema univerzalno prihvaćenu
definiciju, uglavnom zbog raznolikih simptoma i njihove nepredvidive prirode. Procjene
prevalencije variraju, ali je očito da čak i oni koji su prvotno imali blage slučajeve COVID-19
mogu iskusiti dugotrajne posljedice. Određeni čimbenici, poput težine početne infekcije, dobi,
spola i prisutnosti prethodnih zdravstvenih problema, mogu utjecati na vjerojatnost razvoja
Post-COVID sindroma.
Mehanizmi koji leže iza ovih trajnih simptoma još nisu u potpunosti shvaćeni, ali teorije
sugeriraju da neobičan imunološki odgovor ili preostala prisutnost virusa mogu imati ulogu.
Dijagnoza uključuje prepoznavanje nastavka simptoma nakon akutne faze infekcije te
isključivanje drugih mogućih objašnjenja. Nepostojanje specifičnih terapija dodatno otežava
situaciju, pa se liječenje obično svodi na tretiranje pojedinačnih simptoma putem kombinirane
terapije, uključujući rehabilitaciju, fizikalnu terapiju, psihološku podršku i prilagodbe životnog
Nastavno, Post-COVID sindrom predstavlja značajan medicinski izazov nakon globalne
pandemije. Njegovi dugotrajni i raznoliki simptomi naglašavaju potrebu za nastavkom
istraživanja i multidisciplinarnim pristupima dijagnozi i skrbi. Kako se zdravstveni stručnjaci i
istraživači udružuju kako bi rasvijetlili ovo stanje, nastoje poboljšati kvalitetu života onih koji
se i dalje suočavaju s dugotrajnim posljedicama.
U ovom radu prikazano je istraživanje koje je provedeno u pulmološkoj post – Covid
ambulanti OB Dubrovnik među pacijentima koji su se javili radi tegoba nastalih nakon
preboljenja bolesti Covid 19. Rezultati dobiveni ovim istraživanjem prikazani su u vidu
najčešćih tegoba, testovima plućne funkcije, te prikaza patoloških abnormalnosti radioloških
nalaza karakterističnim za post – Covid sindrom. |
Abstract (english) | Post-COVID Syndrome, also known as Long COVID, refers to a collection of persistent
symptoms that appear in individuals even after they have formally recovered from the acute
phase of COVID-19. While many experience mild or moderate illness and recover, a significant
number face a range of lasting health issues that deeply affect their daily lives.
These symptoms persist and impact various bodily systems, including fatigue, respiratory
problems, neurological disturbances like headache and memory issues, cardiovascular
symptoms, gastrointestinal discomfort, and psychological effects such as anxiety and
depression. Individuals might also feel muscle and joint pains, loss of taste and smell, and a
general decline in overall health.
Post-COVID Syndrome is a complex condition that still lacks a universally accepted
definition, primarily due to the diverse symptoms and their unpredictable nature. Prevalence
estimates vary, but it's evident that even those who initially had mild COVID-19 cases can
experience lasting consequences. Specific factors, such as the severity of the initial infection,
age, gender, and the presence of pre-existing health problems, can influence the likelihood of
developing Post-COVID Syndrome.
The mechanisms behind these persistent symptoms are not fully understood, but theories
suggest that an unusual immune response or residual presence of the virus might play a role.
Diagnosis involves recognizing the continuation of symptoms after the acute infection phase
and ruling out other potential explanations. The lack of specific therapies further complicates
the situation, leading treatment to focus on addressing individual symptoms through a
combination of therapies, including rehabilitation, physical therapy, psychological support, and
lifestyle adjustments.
Continuing, Post-COVID Syndrome poses a significant medical challenge after the
global pandemic. Its lasting and diverse symptoms highlight the need for ongoing research and
multidisciplinary approaches to diagnosis and care. As healthcare professionals and researchers
collaborate to illuminate this condition, they strive to improve the quality of life for those who
continue to face lasting consequences.
In this study, research conducted in the pulmonology post-Covid clinic at the Dubrovnik
General Hospital is presented among patients who sought medical attention due to issues arising after recovering from Covid-19. The results obtained from this research are presented in the
form of the most common symptoms, pulmonary function tests, and the depiction of
pathological abnormalities in radiological findings characteristic of post-Covid syndrome. |