Title "Utjecaj inzulinske pumpe na kvalitetu života kroz prednosti i nedostatke"
Title (english) "Influence of the insulin pump on the qualitys of life through advantages and disadvantages."
Author Tina Jaković
Mentor Vedrana Iveta (mentor)
Committee member Sanda Tešanović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Mlinarić-Vrbica (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vedrana Iveta (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Department for Professional Studies) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2024-06-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Internal Medicine
Abstract Inzulinska pumpa je najvjerniji način imitacije prirodnog liječenja inzulina sekrecije, najveći terapijski doseg u liječenju šećerne bolesti tip 1. Za uvođenje inzulinske pumpe u terapiju postoje jasno definirane indikacije te je osim toga ključna dobra edukacija, suradljivost i motiviranost bolesnika.
Svrha i ciljevi istraživanja:
1. Utvrditi postoje li razlike u dnevnim aktivnostima koje doprinose kvaliteti života osoba koje se liječe inzulinskom pumpom u odnosu na osobe koje se liječe višestrukim dnevnim injekcijama inzulina.
2. Istražiti tvrdnju da je HbA1c s boljom regulacijom kod osoba koje se liječe s inzulinskom pumpom u odnosu na one osobe koje se liječe injekcijama.
S obzirom na ciljeve istraživanja, formulirane su sljedeće hipoteze:
H1: Postoji razlika u dnevnim aktivnostima koje doprinose kvaliteti života osoba koje se liječe inzulinskom pumpom u odnosu na osobe koje se liječe višestrukim dnevnim injekcijama inzulina.
Hipoteza 1 je podijeljena na 4 podhipoteze:
H 1.1: Postoje razlike u fizičkom zdravlju (DOM 1) koje doprinose kvaliteti života osoba koje se liječe inzulinskom pumpom u odnosu na osobe koje se liječe injekcijama.
H 1.2: Postoje razlike u psihičkom zdravlju (DOM 2) koje doprinose kvaliteti života osoba koje se liječe inzulinskom pumpom u odnosu na osobe koje se liječe injekcijama.
H 1.3: Postoje razlike u društvenim odnosima (DOM 3) koje doprinose kvaliteti života osoba koje se liječe inzulinskom pumpom u odnosu na osobe koje se liječe injekcijama.
H 1.4: Postoje razlike u okolini (DOM 4) koje doprinose kvaliteti života osoba koje se liječe inzulinskom pumpom u odnosu na osobe koje se liječe injekcijama.
H2: HbA1c je s boljom regulacijom kod osoba koje se liječe s inzulinskom pumpom u odnosu na osobe koje se liječe injekcijama.
Metode istraživanja i tehnike prikupljanja podataka: Anonimnim anketnim upitnikom ispitano je 50 osoba koje se liječe inzulinskom pumpom i 50 osoba koje se liječe višestrukim dnevnim injekcijama inzulina registriranih i liječenih u različitim poliklinikama i bolnicama u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ispitanici su popunili anonimni anketni upitnik putem Facebook grupe „Mlade osobe s dijabetesom u RH“. Prvi dio anonimnog upitnika sastoji se od sociodemografskih podataka, drugi dio sastoji se od prednosti i nedostataka u liječenju, a treći dio sastoji se od WHOQOL-Bref upitnika – skraćena verzija upitnika kvalitete života Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije. Podaci su statistički obrađeni u SPSS programu.
Rezultati: Kvalitetu života procijenili smo upitnikom s 26 čestica koje tvore 4 domene. Pouzdanost mjernih ljestvica testirali smo izračunom Cronbach Alpha koeficijenata. Na temelju Cronbach Alpha koeficijenata ( > 0,7) zaključili smo da primijenjene mjerne ljestvice posjeduju zadovoljavajuću razinu pouzdanosti, odnosno potvrđuju se kao valjani instrumenti za mjerenje mišljenja i stavova ispitanika. Također, na osnovu dobivenih Pearsonovih koeficijenata korelacije (p < 0,05 i p < 0,001) utvrdili smo veliku statistički značajnu povezanost između zadnje vrijednosti HbA1c i 4 domene. Pearsonov koeficijent korelacije r = -0,133 pokazuje malu negativnu povezanost između terapije i zadnje vrijednosti HbA1c.
Zaključak: Da bi testirali prvu hipotezu, koristili smo Mann Whitney U test te smo za sve 4 domene dobili rezultat da je p > 0,05 i zaključili da podaci ne pružaju statistički značajne podatke razlike između terapije (pen injekcije inzulina, inzulinska pumpa) i 4 domene (fizičko zdravlje, psihičko zdravlje, društveni odnosi i okolina) što znači da je hipoteza odbačena. Za testiranje druge hipoteze, korišten je Hi – kvadrat test nezavisnosti koji nije pokazao statistički značajnu razliku između korištenih terapija i zadnje vrijednosti HbA1c (χ2(3,n=100) = 3,488; p>0,05; p=0,322), što znači da je i druga hipoteza odbačena.
Abstract (english) An insulin pump is the most faithful way of imitating the natural treatment of insulin secretion, the greatest therapeutic reach in the treatment of type 1 diabetes. There are clearly defined indications for the introduction of an insulin pump in therapy, and in addition, good education, cooperation and motivation of the patient are crucial.
Aim and objectives of the research:
1. To determine whether there are differences in daily activities that contribute to the quality of life of people who are treated with an insulin pump compared to people who are treated with multiple daily insulin injections.
2. To investigate the claim that HbA1c is better regulated in people who are treated with an insulin pump compared to those who are treated with injections.
Considering the objectives of the research, the following hypotheses were formulated:
H1: There is a difference in daily activities that contribute to the quality of life of people who are treated with an insulin pump compared to people who are treated with multiple daily insulin injections.
Hypothesis 1 is divided into 4 sub-hypotheses:
H 1.1: There are differences in physical health (DOM 1) that contribute to the quality of life of people treated with an insulin pump compared to people treated with injections.
H 1.2: There are differences in mental health (DOM 2) that contribute to the quality of life of people treated with an insulin pump compared to people treated with injections.
H 1.3: There are differences in social relations (DOM 3) that contribute to the quality of life of people who are treated with an insulin pump compared to people who are treated with injections.
H 1.4: There are differences in the environment (DOM 4) that contribute to the quality of life of people who are treated with an insulin pump compared to people who are treated with injections.
H2: HbA1c is better regulated in people treated with an insulin pump compared to people treated with injections.
Research methods and data collection techniques: 50 people who are treated with an insulin pump and 50 people who are treated with multiple daily insulin injections, registered and treated in different polyclinics and hospitals in the Republic of Croatia, were examined using an anonymous questionnaire. Respondents filled out an anonymous questionnaire via the Facebook group "Young people with diabetes in the Republic of Croatia". The first part of the anonymous questionnaire consists of sociodemographic data, the second part consists of advantages and disadvantages of treatment, and the third part consists of the WHOQOL-Bref questionnaire - a shortened version of the World Health Organization's quality of life questionnaire. The data were statistically processed in the SPSS program.
Results: We assessed the quality of life using a questionnaire with 26 items that form 4 domains. We tested the reliability of the measurement scales by calculating Cronbach Alpha coefficients. Based on the Cronbach Alpha coefficients ( > 0.7), we concluded that the applied measurement scales have a satisfactory level of reliability, which means, they are confirmed as valid instruments for measuring the opinions and attitudes of respondents. Also, based on the obtained Pearson correlation coefficients (p < 0.05 and p < 0.001), we found a statistically significant correlation between the last value of HbA1c and 4 domains. Pearson's correlation coefficient r = -0.133 shows a small negative association between therapy and the last value of HbA1c.
Conclusion: To test the first hypothesis, we used the Mann Whitney U test and for all 4 domains we obtained the result that p > 0.05 and concluded that the data do not provide statistically significant data on the difference between the therapy (insulin pen injections, insulin pump) and the 4 domains (physical health, mental health, social relations and environment) which means that the hypothesis is rejected. To test the second hypothesis, the Chi-square test of independence was used, which did not show a statistically significant difference between the used therapies and the last value of HbA1c (χ2(3,n=100) = 3.488; p>0.05; p=0.322), which means that the second hypothesis is also rejected.
inzulinska pumpa
prednosti i nedostaci
kvaliteta života
Keywords (english)
insulin pump
advantages and disadvantages
quality of life
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:594265
Study programme Title: / Study programme type: professional Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-07-16 10:33:44