Abstract | Diplomski rad istraživan na temu Komunikacijska strategija s vinarima u dubrovačko –neretvanskoj županije istraživan je usporedo s pripremom regionalnog festivala Dubrovnik Festiwine, čiji je nositelj dubrovačko – neretvanska županija a izvršni producent Dubronik Partner agencija. Dubrovnik festiwine je festival vina koji okuplja vinare s područja regije te im omogućuje prezentaciju proizvoda kako potencionalnim klijentima tako i gostima koji ga posjećuju. Festival traje sedam dana i u tih sedam dana u sklopu istoga su organizirane razne radionice , izložbe kao i promocijske aktivnosti s ciljem promoviranja sudionika na festivalu. Tijekom četriri mjeseca aktivno se komuniciralo s preko 150 vinara na području županije različitim komunikacijskim kanalima, telefonskim pozivima, elektroničkom i običnom poštom, online alatima te naravno usmenim putem. Kroz sve načine komunikacije nastojalo se istražiti vrsta, način te rezultati komunikacije, provedeni kako između vinara i agencije tako i komunikacijom vinara s njihovim ciljanim javnostima, klijentima te konkurencijom. Svakim korištenjem komunikacijskog kanala vodile su se bilješke o brzini, jasnoći, pristupačnosti, te povratnim informacijama odbivenim od pružatelja poruke. Istraživanjem se nastojalo prikazati kolika je iskorištenost online komunikacije u svakodnevnom poslovanju i razvoju poslovanja te naravno razumijevanje koncepta prethodno navedenoga festivala i utjecaj istoga na daljnji razvoj sudionika. Također se nastojala prikazati razlika u komunikaciji vinara i obiteljsko poljoprivrednih gospodarstava, njihovih znanja o važnosti obostrane komunikacije. U radu su prikazane tri vinarije i tri obiteljsko poljoprivredna gospodarastva koji su rangirani prema pozitivnim, neutralnim i negativnim komunikacijskim rezultatima, te prikazani razlozi istih. |
Abstract (english) | The graduate thesis on the Communication strategy with winemakers in the Dubrovnik-Neretva County was explored in conjunction with the preparation of the regional festival Dubrovnik Festiwine, which is the holder of Dubrovnik-Neretva County and the executive producer of Dubronik Partner Agency. Dubrovnik festiwine is a wine festival that brings together wine-growers from the region and offers them a presentation of products to both, potential customers and guests who visiting it. The festival lasts for seven days and during these seven days various workshops, exhibitions and promotional activities are organized, with the aim of promoting the participants at the festival. During the four months they actively interacted with more than 150 winemakers in the county through various communication channels, telephone calls, electronic and regular mail, online tools and, of course, oral communication. Through all means of communication, the aim was to explore the category, the way and the results of the communication, in between the winegrowers and the agencies, as well as the method of communicating the wineries with their target audience, customers and competition. Every use of the communication channel was followed by notes of speed, clarity, accessibility, and feedback disclaimed by the message provider. The aim of the research was to show how much online communication is used in everyday business communication and business development, and of course understanding the concept of the aforementioned festival and impact on the further development of the participants. There was also an attempt to show the difference in communication between winegrowers and family farms, their knowledge of the importance of mutual communication. The paper presents three wineries and three family farms ranked according to positive, neutral and negative communication results, and presented the reasons for results. |