Title Mjerenje zadovoljstva gosta u hotelijerstvu
Title (english) Measuring Guest Satisfaction in the Hotel Industry
Author Marko Krstičević
Mentor Zrinka Golemac (mentor)
Committee member Goran Vučur (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Miho Balija (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Faculty of Economics and Business) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2024-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Holtelijerstvo je jedna od globalno najkonkurentnijih i najbrže rastućih djelatnost te kao takva, ujedno je i važna poluga u generiranju bruto domaćeg proizvoda jedne zemlje. Glavni naglasak svake uspješne hotelske uprave je svakodnevno unaprijeđivati kvalitetu ponude kako bi privukli nove goste, zadržali stare goste te tako održavali svoju konkurentnosti. Stoga je glavna svrha ovog završnog rada, pored danog teorijskog okvira, istražiti, odnosno izmjeriti zadovoljstvo gostiju uslugama koje se pružaju u hotelijerstvu. S tim na umu, izabran je set parametara, odnosno tvrdnji koji oblikuju percepciju očekivane i doživljene kvalitete hotelskih usluga, konkretno u hotelu Morenia. Korištenjem tehnika deskriptivne statistike, primarni podatci prikupljeni pomoću anketnog upitnika u razdoblju od 30. travnja do 12. svibnja 2024. godine obrađeni su te su sugerirali sljedeće rezultate. Naime, dobiveni rezultati pokazuju kako je ukupna prosječna ocjena očekivane kvalitete usluga pri dolasku gostiju u hotel bila 4.78, dok je rezultat, vezan uz kvalitetu usluga tijekom i na kraju boravka u hotelu, nešto lošiji te iznosi 4.63. Ovo istraživanje je pokazalo kako je najveće odstupanje očekivane i stvarne percepcije kvalitete zabilježeno u kategoriji „Uređenje hotela“, a najmanje odstupanje je zabilježeno vezano uz kategoriju „Susretljivost i stručnost hotelskog osoblja“, i iznosi 0.34 bod. Svi rezultati impliciraju da su gosti hotela Morenia zadovoljni kvalitetom ponuđenih usluga te da hotel vodi uspješnu politiku kvalitete usluga što je prepoznato i nagrađeno od strane gostiju koji provode svoje vrijeme tamo.
Abstract (english) The hotel industry is one of the most globally competitive and fastest-growing industries. As such, it is also an important lever in generating a country's gross domestic product. The main emphasis of every successful hotel management is to improve the quality of the offer daily to attract new guests, retain old guests and thus maintain their competitiveness. Therefore, the main purpose of this final paper, in addition to the given theoretical framework, is to investigate and measure the satisfaction of guests with the services provided in the hotel industry. With this in mind, a set of parameters was chosen, that is, statements that shape the perception of the expected and experienced quality of hotel services, specifically at the Morenia Hotel. Using descriptive statistics techniques, primary data collected through a survey questionnaire in the period from April 30 to May 12, 2024, were processed and suggested the following results. Namely, the obtained results show that the total average rating of the expected quality of services upon arrival of guests at the hotel was 4.9, while the result related to the quality of services during and at the end of the stay in the hotel is slightly worse and amounts to 4.6. This research showed that the largest deviation between the expected and actual perception of quality was recorded in the category “Hotel decoration”, and the smallest deviation was recorded in the category “Responsiveness and expertise oh the hotel staff”, amounting to 0.34 points. All the results imply that the guests of Hotel Morenia are satisfied with the quality of the services offered and that the hotel has a successful service quality policy, which is recognized and rewarded by the guests who spend their time there.
hotelska industrija
mjerenje kvalitete usluga
Keywords (english)
hotel industry
measurement of service quality
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:335126
Study programme Title: Hotel and Restaurant Management, and Gastronomy Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) hotelijerstva, restoraterstva i gastronomije (prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) hotelijerstva, restoraterstva i gastronomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-12-09 11:57:41