Abstract | U ovom radu istraživana je prisutnost mikroplastike u probavilima trlje od blata, Mullus
barbatus (Linnaeus, 1758), bukve, Boops boops (Linnaeus, 1758) i mola, Merluccius
merluccius (Linnaeus, 1758) na području južnog Jadrana. Analiziranim jedinkama određivan
je i duljinsko – maseni odnos, indeks kondicije i prehrana. Tijekom istraživanja ukupno je
analizirano 107 jedinka; 38 trlja od blata, 42 bukve i 27 mola. Prosječna duljina tijela jedinki
trlja od blata bila je 17,07 ± 1,46 cm, bukava 16,79 ± 1,40 cm, a mola 24,22 ± 2,75 cm.
Prosječna masa tijela jedinki trlja od blata iznosila je 51,14 ± 15,17 g, bukava 48,63 ± 12,08
g, a mola 95,53 ± 43,76 g. U ukupnom uzorku trlja od blata i bukava prevladavaju ženke, dok
su u uzorku mola zastupljeniji mužjaci. Ukupni uzorak (b=2,687) i ženke trlja od blata
(b=2,627) pokazuju negativan alometrijski rast, dok mužjaci (b=3,254) imaju pozitivan
alometrijski rast. Ukupni uzorak (b = 2,491), kao i mužjaci (b = 2,441) i ženke bukve (b =
2,616) pokazuju negativan alometrijski rast. Cijela populacija mola pokazuje pozitivan
alometrijski rast. Prosječni indeks kondicije trlja od blata iznosio je 1,01, bukve 1,00 i mola
0,63. U prehrani trlja od blata i mola učestalošću su dominirale ličinke desetonožnih rakova
(Decapoda) i kozice (Penaeidae). U prehrani bukve dominirale su vrste iz reda Amphipoda i
ličinke desetonožnih rakova (Decapoda). Čestice mikroplastike pronađene su u ukupno 7
organizama, kod 4 bukve i 3 mola. Kako bi sa sigurnošću mogli utvrditi da je riječ o
mikroplastici, kao i saznati njeno porijeklo potrebne su daljnje laboratorijske analize. |
Abstract (english) | In the present study the frequency of microplastic occurrence in intestine of red mullet,
Mullus barbatus (Linnaeus, 1758), bogue, Boops boops (Linnaeus, 1758) and European hake,
Merluccius merluccius (Linnaeus, 1758) in the south Adriatic, was researched. Additionally,
length-weight relationships, condition factor, feeding habits were also determined. During the
study, a total of 107 samples were analysed, 38 individuals of red mullet, 42 bogue and 27
European hake. The average length oft he red mullet was 17.07 ± 1.46 cm, oft he bogue 16.79
± 1.40 cm, and of the European hake 24.22± 2.75 cm. The average weight of the red mullet
was 51.14 ± 15.17 g, of the bogue 48.63 ± 12.08 g and of the European hake 95.53 ± 43.76 g.
In total sample of red mullet and bogue females were dominated, while in the sample of
European hake males dominate. The length-weight relationship of red mullet showed a
negative allometric growth for total sample (b = 2,687) and for females (b = 2,627) while
males (b = 3,254) had positive alometric growth. The total sample (b = 2,491), as well as
males (b = 2,441) and females (b = 2,616) of bogue, showed a negative alometric growth. The
whole population of European hake shows a positive alometric growth. Condition factor for
all three species is calculated. The average value of condition factor for red mullet was 1.01,
bogue 1.00 and for European hake 0.63. In the diet of red mullet and the European hake
dominant prey were decapod larvae (Decapoda) and shrimp (Penaeidae) and in the bogue
Amphipods and decapod larvae (Decapoda). Particles resembling microplastics were found in
a total of 7 individuals; 5 bogue and 3 individuals of the European hake. To determine with
certainty that it is a microplastics, and to find out its origin, further laboratory analyses are
needed. |