Title Strateška analiza hrvatske konditorske industrije
Title (english) Strategic analysis of the Croatian confectionery industry
Author Betina Bošnjak
Mentor Ivona Vrdoljak Raguž (mentor)
Committee member Zorica Krželj Čolović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Martinović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Department of Economics and Business Economics) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2018-07-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Hrvatska konditorska industrija predstavlja svijetlu točku i jednu od najuspješnijih grana hrvatske industrije. Upravo konditorska industrija primjer je uspješnog korištenja potencijala vlastite domaće sirovine. Time, uz činjenicu da izravno zapošljava značajan broj ljudi, neizravno omogućuje zapošljavanje većeg broja ljudi u poljoprivredi, distribuciji i trgovini.
Kroz ovaj rad će se detaljnije analizirati stanje hrvatske konditorske industrije na primjeru dva, trenutno najznačajnija hrvatska konditorska poduzeća, Kraš d.d. i Kandit d.o.o. Strateškom analizom poduzeća doći će se do zakljuĉka koje komponente predstavljaju priliku, a koje prijetnju, što je svakom individualnom poduzeću snaga, a što slabost, te kako ih na najbolji način usmjeriti i iskoristiti u svrhu jačanja poslovanja i podizanja konkurentske prednosti na tržištu Hrvatske, Europe, ali i svijeta.
Provedenim analizama ustanovljeno je da se radi o uspješnim poduzećima koji iza sebe imaju dugi niz godina proizvodnje, inovacija, borbe za trţište i konkurentnost. Fokusom na ono bitno, a to su kupci, zaposlenici, stalne investicije te pravovremenim odgovaranjem na zahtjeve okoline i sve ĉešće promjene, i Kraš d.d. i Kandit d.o.o. mogu zadrţati visoke pozicije na hrvatskoj konditorskoj sceni i širiti svoje djelovanje na plodno tlo globalnog trţišta.
Strateškoj analizi konkretnih primjera prethode teorijski temelji strategije, strategijskog vođenja i analize. Može se reći da strategijskim vođenjem menadžment određuje viziju, misiju i ciljeve poduzeća, analizira okruženje i rizike, odlučuje o aktivnostima i za iste koristi resurse poduzeća. Ono predstavlja polazišnu točku uspješnog poduzeća povezivanjem unutarnjih sposobnosti i vanjskih prigoda.
Abstract (english) The Croatian confectionery industry is one of the most successful branches of the Croatian industry. The confectionery industry is an example of successful use of the potential of its own domestic raw material. This, in addition to the fact that it employs a significant number of people, indirectly enables the employment of a large number of people in agriculture, distribution and trade. This paper will analyze in more detail the state of the Croatian confectionery industry on the example of two, currently the most important Croatian confectionery companies, Kraš d.d. and Kandit d.o.o.. Strategic analysis of the company will come to the conclusion of those components representing opportunity or threat, strength or weakness and how to best focus and exploit them for the purpose of strengthening business and raising the competitive advantage on the Croatian, as well as the global market. Analyzes carried out have shown that these two are successful companies with many years of production, innovation, market competition and competitiveness behind them. By focusing on what is important, namely customers, employees, constant investments and timely response to environmental demands and ever-changing changes, Kraš d.d. and Kandit d.o.o. can retain high positions on the Croatian confectionary scene and spread their work to the fertile ground of the global market. Strategic analysis of concrete examples precedes theoretical foundations of strategy, strategic management and analysis. It can be said that by strategic management, the management determines the vision, mission and goals of the company, analyzes the environment and risks, decides on the activities and for the same uses of the company's resources. It represents the starting point of a successful enterprise by linking internal abilities and external opportunities.
strateška analiza
konditorska industrija
Kraš d.d.
Kandit d.o.o.
Keywords (english)
strategic analysis
confectionery industry
Kraš d.d.
Kandit d.o.o.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:900189
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Tourism, Marketing, International Trade, IT Management Course: International Trade Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Public note 3857
Created on 2018-07-12 09:59:55