Title Konzervatorsko-restauratorska istraživanja i radovi na oltaru Sv. Mihovila iz Logorišta
Title (english) Conservation and restoration research and works on the altar of St. Mihovil in Logorište
Author Davor Bešvir
Mentor Denis Vokić (mentor)
Mentor Joško Bogdanović (mentor)
Committee member Denis Vokić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Joško Bogdanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijela Jemo (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Department of Art and Restoration) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2018-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Interdisciplinary Fields of Art
Abstract Kapela Sv. Doroteje nalazi se na osamljenom brežuljku izvan naselja Logorište kod Karlovca u blizini groblja. Pretpostavlja se da je sazidana u prvoj polovini 17.stoljeća, ali je od tada u više navrata doživjela mnoge preinake. Oltar sv. Mihovila je prvotno imao funkciju glavnog oltara (sa skulpturom sv. Doroteje u niši), međutim, tijekom obnove u 18. stoljeću on je uklonjen na bočnu poziciju uz trijumfalni luk, dok je u svetište smješten „novi“ barokni oltar.
Prilikom premještanja oltara sv. Mihovila je doživio određene preinake: bočna baldahinska ornamentalna krila su preseljena na vrh oltara, kao i skulpture ispod njih, izvorna polikromija je bila u cijelosti preslikana, dok su rebrasti stupovi bili obloženi limenom oslikanom oblogom. Tijekom konzervatorsko-restauratorskih istraživanja, a na temelju dobivenih rezultata analiza slojeva, veziva i pigmenata prirodoslovnog laboratorija HRZ-a i kemijskih sondi te proba skidanja naknadnih preslika rekonstruiran je njegov izvorni koloristički izgled. Bio je to oltar koji pripada tipu malih crnih pozlaćenih oltara 17.stoljeća domaće pučke provenijencije koje u manjem broju sačuvane nalazimo na području Karlovca i Jastrebarskog. Prilikom restauracije oltara odrađena je stolarska sanacija, drvorezbarski radovi i rekonstrukcija nedostajućih dijelova, skidanje naknadnih preslika, te pozlatarski radovi i retuš tratteggio tehnikom. Kako je oltar trebao biti vraćen na zatečenu poziciju u kapeli, prilikom konzervatorsko-restauratorskih radova njegov izvorni izgled mogao je biti samo djelomično prezentiran i to u kolorističkoj obradi, dok je kompozicijski zadržao zatečeno stanje iz 20.stoljeća. Radovi na oltaru sv. Mihovila započeli su u Restauratorskom centru u Ludbregu 2012. godine konzervatorskorestauratorskim istraživanjima, a nastavljeni su tijekom 2013./14. godine te je u prosincu 2014. godine vraćen u kapelu. Radovi su bili organizirani u suradnji s konzervatorima Konzervatorskog odjela u Karlovcu, a financirani sredstvima Ministarstva kulture RH kroz redovnu djelatnost RC Ludbreg.
Abstract (english) Chapel of St. Doroteje is located on a hill outside the village of Logorište near Karlovac close to the cemetery. It is assumed to have been built in the first half of the 17th century, but has repeatedly made many changes since then. The altar of St. Mihovila originally had the function of the main altar (with sculpture of St. Dorothee in the niche), however, during the 18th century renovation he was removed to the lateral position along the triumphal arch, while the "new" Baroque altar was placed in the sanctuary. When moving the altar of St. Mihovila had some changes: the lateral canopy ornamental wings were moved to the top of the altar, as well as the sculptures below them, the original polycromium was completely repainted, while the ribbed pillars were covered with a lime-painted lining. During the conservation and restoration research, based on the results obtained, the analysis of the layers, binders and pigments of the HRZ chemical laboratory and the chemical probes and the probing of the removal of repainted layers were reconstructed by its original coloristic appearance. It was an altar belonging to the type of small black gilded altars of the 17th century local folk provenance, which we find in a smaller number of the preserved ones in the Karlovac and Jastrebarsko area. During the restoration of the altar there was made carpentry repair ,carving and reconstruction of missing parts, removal of repainted layers, gilding works and retouch made of tratteggio technique. As the altar had to be restored to the originaly position in the chapel, during its conservation and restoration work its original appearance could only be partially presented in the colouristic appearance, while the compositions retained the 20th century appearance. Works on the altar of St. Mihovila started in the Restoration center in Ludbreg in 2012 with conservation and restoration researches and they continued during 2013/14. In December 2014 alter was returned to the chapel. The works were organized in co-operation with conservators of the Conservation Department in Karlovac and financed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia through the regular activities of RC Ludbreg.
kapela sv. Doroteje
oltar sv. Mihovila
konzervatorsko – restauratorska istraživanja
kemijske sonde
monokromni tip oltara.
Keywords (english)
Chapel of St. Dorothee
the altar of St. Mihovila
conservation and restoration research
chemical probe
monochrome altar type.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:515405
Study programme Title: Restoration and Conservation of Artefacts; specializations in: Wood, Paper, Textile, Metal, Ceramics Course: Wood Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (bacccalaureus/baccalaurea) restauracije i konzervacije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (bacccalaureus/baccalaurea) restauracije i konzervacije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-09-27 09:27:33