Sažetak | Ovaj rad daje pregled istraživanja kemijske raznolikosti alga Jadranskog mora s ciljem njihove primjene u biotehnologiji. Istraživanja alga u Jadranu obuhvaćaju jednostanične alge rodova Euhalothece, Tetraselmis, Picochlorum, Nitzschia i Nanofrustulum shiloi kao i crvene alge rodova Asparagopsis, Gracilaria i Amphiroa, zelene alge rodova Flabellia, Codium i Ulva te smeđe alge rodova Halopteris, Dictyota, Taonia, Fucus, Dictyopteris, Gongolaria, Ericaria, Treptacantha, Cystoseira i Padina. Među najzastupljenijim spojevima makroalga bili su dimetil sulfid, benzaldehid, heptadekan, pentadekan, nonadekan, tribrommetan, a također su identificirane masne kiseline (oleinska, palmitinska, palmitoleinska, linolna, stearinska, tetradekanska, pentadekanska), terpeni, alkoholi, flavonoid i saharidi dok se među pigmentima ističu klorofili, karotenoidi i fikobilliproteini. Alge Jadranskog mora posjeduju spojeve od kojih neki imaju antioksidativna, protuupalna, antibakterijska, protugljivična, antiviralna, antihelmintska, antikancerogena i druga svojstva, a neki sudjeluju u komunikaciji s okolišem kao i obrani od potencijlnih opasnosti iz tog okoliša. Jadranske alge su izvrstan izvor nutrijenata i bioaktivnih molekula sa širokim rasponom primjene u prehrambenoj, farmaceutskoj, kozmetičkoj, tekstilnoj i poljoprivrednoj industriji. Republika Hrvatska sa svojim pristupom Jadranskom moru i svim njegovim raznolikostima, ima velik potencijal za razvoj biotehnologije alga. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This paper provides an overview of chemical diversity research of the Adriatic Sea algae with focus on the application in biotechnology. Research on algae in the Adriatic includes unicellular algae of the genera Euhalothece, Tetraselmis, Picochlorum, Nitzschia and Nanofrustulum shiloi, as well as red algae of the genera Asparagopsis, Gracilaria and Amphiroa green algae of the genera Flabellia, Codium and Ulva and brown algae of the genera Halopteris, Dictyota, Taonia, Fucus, Dictyopteris, Gongolaria, Ericaria, Treptacantha, Cystoseira and Padina. Dimethyl sulfide, benzaldehyde, heptadecane, pentadecane, nonadecane and tribromomethane were the most abundant compounds of macroalgae, fatty acids were also identified (oleic, palmitic, palmitoleic, linoleic, stearic, tetradecanoic pentadecanoic), as well as terpenes, alcohols, flavonoids and saccharides, while among the pigments chlorophylls, carotenoids and phycobiliproteins stand out. Adriatic Sea algae contain compounds that have antioxidant, antiinflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anthelmintic, anticarcinogenic and other properties, some participate in communication with the environment as well as in the defense against potential environmental hazards. Adriatic algae are an excellent source of nutrients and bioactive molecules with a wide range of applications in the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, textile and agricultural industries. The Republic of Croatia, with its access to the Adriatic Sea and all its diversity, has a great potential for the development of algae biotechnology. |