Title Informacijske tehnologije u uredskom poslovanju
Title (english) Information Tehnology in Office Business
Author Biljana Glavinić
Mentor Tina Cvijanović (mentor)
Committee member Iris Lončar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Kraljević Radalj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Faculty of Economics and Business) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2020-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Rad započinje temom „ uredsko poslovanje - temeljni pojmovi“. Iz naslova je vidljivo da će se kroz ovaj dio rada nastojati upoznati čitatelje s osnovnom tematikom: definicija uredskoga poslovanja, menadžment uredskog poslovanja, uredsko poslovanje u prošlosti. Uredsko poslovanje diljem svijeta ustoličeno je i svakodnevno u praksi funkcionira na određenim načelima. Iako se načela u nekim sitnim dijelovima mogu razlikovati od kulture do kulture, promatrano u globalu ipak predstavljaju standardizirane funkcije koje su primjenjive u većini gospodarstava diljem svijeta. Načela i funkcije uredskoga poslovanja detaljno će se obrazložiti također u prvome dijelu rada. Drugi dio rada bavi se pitanjem digitalizacije i automatizacije ureda. Upoznaje se čitatelja s navedenim pojmovima, razlozima uvođenja istih i najčešće korištenim informacijskim sustavima diljem svijeta. Suvremeni ured miče se od uobičajene slike ureda kao prostora i postaje ured unutar računala, to jest softvera. Mnogi start up-ovi, mali obrtnici ili male firme na početku svoga poslovanja svoj ured prebacuju u digitalnu, virtualnu sferu. Najčešće korišten program kako poduzetnika, obrtnika, ali i kod običnih građana je Ms Office. Njegova popularnost osim u jednostavnosti leži u otvorenoj dostupnosti. Treći dio rada orijentiran je na prednosti i nedostatke koji nastupaju kao posljedica digitalizacije ureda,. Digitalizacija logičnim slijedom nužno za sobom nosi višak radne snage, potrebu za edukacijom ljudi koji će softvere koristiti. Obraditi će se i alati pomoću kojih se može stupiti u kontakt s potencijalnim kupcima ili suradnicima. Putem infografike, korištenjem socijalnih-društvenih mreža poslovnome subjektu omogućeno je da uz relativno male ili gotovo nikakve troškove, u iznimno kratkome vremenu prenese željenu poruku enormno velikom broju ljudi. Procesi digitalizacije sa sobom nose određene rizike, od toga da se tehničko-tehnološka ispravnost uređaja spusti, pa dođe do gubljenje podataka, pa sve do toga da podaci firme, njezinog poslovanja i korisnika proizvoda/usluga postanu predmetom virtualne krađe. Stoga, se četvrti dio rada bavi zaštitom, sigurnosnim sustavima, te potencijalnim rizicima.
Abstract (english) The paper begins with the topic "office operations - basic concepts". It is clear from the title that this part of the paper will try to acquaint readers with the basic topics: the definition of office operations, office management, office operations in the past. Office business around the world is established and operates on a daily basis on certain principles. Although the principles may differ from culture to culture in some small parts, observed globally they nevertheless represent standardized functions that are applicable in most economies around the world. The principles and functions of office operations will be explained in detail also in the first part of the paper. The second part of the paper deals with the issue of digitalization and office automation. It introduces the reader to the above concepts, the reasons for their introduction and the most commonly used information systems around the world. The modern office moves away from the usual image of the office as a space and becomes an office within a computer, that is, software. Many start-ups, small craftsmen or small businesses move their office to the digital, virtual realm at the beginning of their business. The most commonly used program for entrepreneurs, craftsmen, but also for ordinary citizens is Ms Office. Its popularity apart from its simplicity lies in its open availability. The third part of the paper focuses on the advantages and disadvantages that occur as a result of digitalization of the office. Digitization in a logical sequence necessarily carries with it a surplus of labor, the need to educate people who will use the software. Tools that can be used to contact potential customers or associates will also be covered. Through infographics, the use of social networks allows the business entity to convey the desired message to an enormous number of people in a relatively short time, with relatively little or almost no cost. Digitization processes carry with them certain risks, from the technical and technological correctness of the device to the loss of data, to the fact that the data of the company, its business and users of products /services become the subject of virtual theft. Therefore, the fourth part of the paper deals with protection, security systems, and potential risks.
informacijska tehnologija
uredsko poslovanje
Keywords (english)
information technology
office operations
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:064372
Study programme Title: Financial Management Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Public note 4130
Created on 2020-10-26 09:16:40