Title Istraživanje veze obilježja potrošača i sklonosti kupnji
Title (english) The study attributes of consumers related with the purchase preferences
Author Ana Mamuzić
Mentor Iris Mihajlović (mentor)
Committee member Vesna Vrtiprah (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Matea Matić Šošić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Department of Economics and Business Economics) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2017-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Ponašanje potrošača je relativno mlada znanstvena disciplina koja se fokusira isključivo na potrošače i njihovo ponašanje prilikom procesa kupnje. Segmentacijom tržišta postiže se podjela tržišta na manje homogene skupine. Svaki je potrošač jedinstven i razlikuje se od ostalih prvenstveno prema godinama, stupnju obrazovanja, prihodima te ostalim čimbenicima koji utječu na stvaranje potrošačevog stava prema kupovini određenog proizvoda. Cilj marketinških stručnjaka je otkriti te utjecajne čimbenike poput kulturoloških, psiholoških, društvenih te osobnih čimbenika koji su u ovom radu poslužili kao temelj i osnovica za empirijsko istraživanje o povezanosti obilježja potražnje i sklonosti sa kupčevom lojalnosti u odabiru proizvoda. Prilikom donošenja odluka o kupnji, potrošač prolazi kroz nekoliko sljedećih fazi. Prva faza je spoznaja problema, odnosno potrebe koju se treba zadovoljiti. Nakon što se otkrije potreba, potrošač pokušava naći kvalitetne informacije koje se tiču proizvoda, njegovih karakteristika, cijene i slično te se procjenjuju najbolje moguće alternative. Nakon procjene svih opcija, dolazi do kupovine proizvoda. Nakon detaljno provedenih faza kupnje, veća je mogućnost da će potrošač biti zadovoljan proizvodom te mu biti vjeran ubuduće. Lojalnost potrošača odražava se ponovnom kupnjom istog proizvoda prilikom koje se zaboravljaju sve negativne karakteristike i negativna iskustva s tim proizvodom. Kupnja proizvoda može dobiti skroz različite pravce zbog utjecaja situacijskih varijabli, a neke od njih su fizičko okružje pod kojim se podrazumijeva lokacija, izgled i elementi okružja, zatim društveno okružje u kojem je glavni element grupa, vremenska perspektiva koja označava promjenu za razliku od prethodne kupnje te čimbenici koji označavaju prethodna stanja potrošača.
Abstract (english) Consumer Behavior is a relatively young scientific discipline that focuses exclusively on consumers and their behavior during the buying process. Due to market segmentation , market division is shared on less homogenous groups. Every consumer is unique and difers from others, primarily by age, degree of education, income, and other factors that generation the consumer's attitude towards buying a particular product. The aim of marketing experts is to discover these influential factors such as cultural, psychological, social and personal factors that are used as basic for empirical research on the relationship between the characteristics of demand and the consumer's loyalty to product selection. When making a purchase decision, the consumer passes through several key phases. The first phase is recognizing the problem, or the need that has to be satisfied. Once the need arises, the consumer tries to find quality information regarding the product, its features, prices and then he evaluating the best possible alternatives. After evaluating every options, the product is being purchased. When the detailed purchasing stages are completed, it's more likely that the consumer will be satisfied with a product and be loyal to it. Customer loyalty reflects by re-purchasing the same product and forgetting all the negative characteristics and negative experiences with that product. Process of buying a product can get completely different directions due to the influence of situational variables, and some of them are physical environments that include the location, appearance, and environment elements, then the social environment in which the main element is a group, a time perspective that indicates a change unlike the previous purchase as well as the factors that indicate the previous states of the consumer.
ponašanje potrošača
faze kupovine
Keywords (english)
consumer behavior
shop phases
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:607693
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Tourism, Marketing, International Trade, IT Management Course: Marketing Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-02-01 09:11:33