Title Utjecaj normi i pravila o upravljanju rizicima na sigurnost u pomorskom prometu
Title (english) The Influence of Norms and Regulations of Maritime Traffic Risk Management Safety
Author Mateo Arneri
Mentor Jadran Šundrica (mentor)
Committee member Jadran Šundrica (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Matko Bupić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikša Koboević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Faculty of Maritime Studies) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2018-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology Maritime and River Traffic
Abstract Ovim radom definiran je problem gubitaka velikog broja brodova u nerazjašnjenim okolnostima, te su postavljene osnovna hipoteza i podhipoteze gdje je potrebno istražiti povezanost tih nemilih događaja i međunarodne normative koja bi mogla imati utjecaj na pomorske nesreće. Međunarodna pomorska organizacija (IMO) dopunjavanjem svojih konvencija SOLAS i MARPOL i njima pridruženih kodeksa nastoji podignuti stupanj sigurnosti brodova kroz postroženja tehničkih zahtjeva. Zbog velikog utjecaja ljudskog faktora na pomorske nesreće IMO je posebnu pozornost posvetio zahtjevima za obrazovanje, certificiranje i rad pomoraca putem STCW konvencije i njoj pridruženog kodeksa. Poznavanjem tih dokumenata, njihovim potpunim poštovanjem i premašivanjem u njima zadanih minimalnih zahtjeva, doprinosi se povećanju sigurnosti i smanjenju nesreća na moru. Zbog toga je u početku rada dan pregled navedenih IMO dokumenata uključujući aktualne kodekse (Polar Code, IGF Code). Podrobnije analize pokazale su da je sigurnost najvećim djelom određena organizacijom rada brodara i rada na brodu, pa je stoga u radu dan i pregled normi međunarodne organizacije za norme (ISO) koje se odnose na upravljanje kvalitetom, okolišem, sigurnošču na radu, zdravljem ljudi, upravljanju energijom, te posebno upravljanju rizicima. Međunarodna organizacija rada (ILO) uočila je potrebu za regulacijom rada pomoraca i to obznanila u poznatoj MLC 2006. konvenciji. Rebublika Hrvatska je upotpunosti uvažila zahtjeve ILO, a njihovu operacionalizaciju detaljno je razradilo klasifikacijsko društvo DNV-GL u svojim pravilima, što je detaljno obrađeno u četvrtom poglavlju ovog rada. Upravljanje odnosno procjena rizika je jedan od zahtjeva koji je postao sastavni dio IMO ISM kodeksa i svih ISO normi o upravljanju, pa je radom obrađeno i pitanje važnosti rizika za iskorištavanje broda, gdje su dane smjernice za praktičnu provedbu procjene rizika u pomorstvu. Poslijednje poglavlje govori o povezanosti odnosno utjecaja normi i konvencija na pomorske nesreće odnosno gubitke brodova. Zaključeno je da postoji čvrsta povezanost između međunarodne regulative koju donosi IMO i ISO i broja pomorskih nesreća. Razvojem novih i poboljšavanjem postojećih propisa broj nesreća se smanjuje čime se potvrđuju postavljene hipoteze o povezanosti tih dviju pojava.
Abstract (english) The paper defines the problem of the losses of a large number of ships under mysterious circumstances, and it sets the base hypothesis and the sub-hypotheses that it is necessary to investigate the connection of these grievous incidents and international standard that could have influence on the maritime accidents. By supplementing its basic conventions SOLAS and MARPOL and its associated codes the International Maritime Organization (IMO) seeks to raise the level of ship safety through stricter technical requirements. Because of great influence of human factor on the maritime accidents IMO has paid special attention to the requirements for education, certification and seafarers’ work by means of STCW Convention and its associated code. The knowledge from these documents, their complete recognition and exceeding of the set minimal requirements, all contribute to increase of safety and reduction of accidents at sea. Therefore, the beginning of the paper gives an overview of the mentioned IMO documents including the topical codes (Polar Code, IGF Code). More detailed analyses have shown that the safety is mostly determined by the reorganization of the work of the ship operators and work on board, and that is why the paper provides also a review of the standards of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) which refer to the management of quality, environment, safety at work and health of people, management of energy and especially risk management. The International Labour Organization (ILO) has noted the need to regulate the work of seafarers and announced this through the MLC Convention in 2006. The Republic of Croatia has fully acknowledged the ILO requirements, and their operationalization has been elaborated in detail by classification society DNV-GL in its rules which has been studied in detail in the paper. Risk management i.e. assessment is one of the requirements that has become an integral part of IMO ISM code and all ISO standards on the management so that the paper studies as well the issue of risk significance for ship exploitation, where are given the guidelines for practical implementation of risk assessment in maritime affairs. A particular section deals with the connection, i.e. influence of the standards and conventions on the maritime accidents and loss of ships. The conclusion is that there is a strong connection between the international regulations brought by IMO and ISO and the number of maritime accidents. With the development of new and the improvement of the existing regulations, the number of accidents is reduced, thus confirming the set hypotheses about the connection between these two phenomena
pomorske nesreće
IMO konvencije i kodeksi
sigurnost na moru
pomorski promet
ISO norme o upravljanju
Keywords (english)
maritime accidents
IMO conventions and codes
safety at sea
maritime traffic
ISO standards on management
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:860212
Study programme Title: Maritime Studies Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka pomorskog prometa (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka pomorskog prometa)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-10-24 08:56:01