Author Ariana Violić-Koprivec
Mentor Nenad Vekarić (mentor)
Committee member Marko Trogrlić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Lazarević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Ipšić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2018-12-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 94(497.5) - History of Croatia
Abstract Rad se bavi doseljavanjem stanovništva iz mediteranskih zemalja koje je u razdoblju od pada
Dubrovačke Republike do kraja Prvog svjetskog rata stiglo na područje bivše Dubrovačke
Republike. Uz matične knjige, kao temeljno istraživačko vrelo, korišten je popis stranaca u
Dubrovniku 1815. godine, popis stanovništva Dubrovnika 1817. godine, ostavinski spisi i drugi
dokumenti mahom iz Državnog arhiva u Dubrovniku. U radu su definirani migracijski tokovi
iz mediteranskih zemalja na dubrovačko
... More područje, njihova tipologija i vremenska distribucija.
Analizirana je struktura doseljenika i njihovih obitelji te prostorni raspored stanovanja. Dobio
se uvid u dob, zavičajno podrijetlo, zanimanje i društveni status doseljenika, a rezultati su se
stavili u kontekst društvenih i gospodarskih prilika. Istražio se odnos doseljenog stanovništva
prema braku, obitelji, potomstvu, starosnoj dobi zasnivanja obitelji i izvanbračnoj djeci.
Analizirani su sadržaji u onodobnim dubrovačkim tiskovinama kako bi se dobio uvid u odnos
zajednice prema doseljenicima. Na temelju analize društvenih mreža dobio se uvid u integraciju
doseljenika. Prikazan je životni put nekolicine doseljenika i njihovih potomaka koji su se
istaknuli u društvenom životu, kao i onih čiji je životni put pokazao određene specifičnosti ili
eventualne poteškoće tijekom integracije u novu sredinu. Less
Abstract (english) The thesis studies the immigration of population from the Mediterranean countries into
the territory of the former Dubrovnik Republic in the period between the fall of the Dubrovnik
Republic and the end of the World War I. Research was primarily based on parish registers
from the Dubrovnik area. They provided an insight into various segments of life of ordinary
people and thus played a critical role in studying the history of population. The 1815 register
of aliens in Dubrovnik, the
... More 1817 census, the probate records and a number of other documents
mostly from the State Archives in Dubrovnik were used along with the parish register. Research
defines migration flows from the Mediterranean countries to the Dubrovnik area. Most of the
migrants came from Italy, while the intensity of immigration from other Mediterranean
countries was weak. Apart from Italy, migrants came from France, Spain, Albania and Greece.
A high concentration of migrants from Italy allowed the implementation of quantitative
analysis, while qualitative research method was used to examine other groups of immigrants.
It was mostly individual, predominantly urban, economically motivated migration that
reached its peak in the early and late 19th century. Observation of the defining moments in life
of immigrants helped gain insight into their personal information, their family structure, the
rhythm of birth and marriage, and their customs and social networks. Quantitative research
method with its numerical expression contributed to the detection of certain phenomena.
Microdemographic approach was used to observe individuals and their descendants from birth
to death. The genealogical method helped identify the links of kinship. Insight into age, country
of origin, occupation and social status of immigrants was gained, and the results were put into
the social and economic context of the time. This study explored the attitude of immigrants
towards marriage, family, offspring, age to start a family, and towards illegitimate children. A
successful inclusion in economic activities, the birth of a child or marriage with a local were
primary reasons for staying and permanently residing in Dubrovnik. Family as a key research
element was the basis for assembling the immigration and the integration process mosaic. The
analysis of the spatial distribution of housing for immigrants, of the participation of immigrants
in social institutions and the analysis of their social networks helped understand the integration
of immigrants. The Dubrovnik society of the 19th and the early 20th centuries enabled a vertical
social mobility of immigrants.
Some texts in the newspapers of that period touched on everyday life and included
Italian immigrants. This study incorporates newspaper articles depicting diverse social and
everyday events. Thus, we get a better grasp of how immigrants were accepted and perceived
by the local community in a new environment. The relationship varied between the positive and
the negative pole and was determined by the historical context, i.e. by the current political and
economic circumstances. Several associations were established where immigrants gathered,
socialized and hence expressed their cultural affiliation. Efforts made towards setting up a
private Italian school were shown in the study. The significance and the work of the consular
post of the Kingdom of Italy in Dubrovnik were also reflected upon. The life of several
prominent immigrants and their descendants was presented, as well as of those whose life was
affected by specific issues or difficulties that arose during their integration into the new
environment. Less
struktura doseljenika
Keywords (english)
structure of immigrants
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:793059
Study programme Title: History of Population Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, odgovarajuće polje (određeno matičnom strukom) (doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, odgovarajuće polje (određeno matičnom strukom))
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-12-19 11:39:22